Charli nudges me in the shoulder and I look up and dixies starring at me looking confused and worried she has her phone on and in her hand

"What" I say talking with my eyes not words. She points at her phone and it's facing me and the snap chat story page and I nod yes. She turns her phone back and pushes stuff on her phone and her eyes go wide. She comes right over to me and gives me a hug

"Nice ass Nikki" Dixie laughs

"Wow Dixie wow" I shake my head

"Who leaked it. Coming from your older sister you look hot. But no that's weird. So what are you gonna do about it" Dixie whispers into my ear still on top of me hugging me

"I don't fucking know Dixie what do I do. Sara leaked it fucking sara she's still ruining my life after so long. Dixie what am I gonna do if it goes everywhere I'd be considered a hoe just like vinnie said" I sigh

"Vinnie called you a hoe" Dixie gasps

"He said "go joe around with the sway boys" that's messed up like actually I don't know what he's talking about he's angry angry angry" I tell Dixie

"So you want me to fight him because I will" Dixie says

"Dix no that's not the problem right now right now the problem is that those pictures got out of me with my ass out and my tits like really Dixie what do I do. No one back home has the balls to post it all over"

"Then ignore it and never go back to Connecticut yeah" Dixie says tapping me on the nose and sitting beside me to see some people starring

"I mean people are praising you back home" Dixie whisper laughs

"Dixie that's not the fucking point ok like looks at me I look like a dumb bitch" I say showing Dixie the phone and charli pops her head in and looks at the phone too. She looks then looks away and her head snaps back looking at the phone with her eyes wide

"Wait wha-" charli says before I put my hand over her mouth

"What charli" I ask

"Is that" she points at me

"Yeah it is. But it's only on private stories leaked by Sara probably because she got in trouble just like Ryan said" I laugh

"Can I see the picture" charli asks

"No char just look at snap" Dixie says

"Ahhh your boring your not even naked it's fine" charli laughs

"Ok then you do it charli. Post a picture of you fully naked on your private story" I say and me and Dixie nod in agreement going up against charli

"You guys always team up on me it's not fairrrrrr" she whines

"It's our job char to not repeat mistakes at we've made so the lesson here is to not do what she did so no charli don't do that" Dixie says

"What's going on here" griff says behind us and I turn off my phone right away

"Nothing" we all say at the same time making it even more suspicious shit

"You sure it's nothing" griff says and Dixie and charli are fucking giggling while I'm just in the middle acting normal

"Mmhm it's nothing" I answer for all of us

"Then why are they fucking giggling and you turned your phone off right away" Bryce said

"No nope nothings going on ha ya nothing" I say with a straight face so you can't tell if I'm lying or not

"If it's nothing then she me your phone" griff says

"Your not my dad griff plus my dad doesn't even check my phone"

"Well dad should Check your phone" Dixie mumbles and charli and Dixie both start laughing Dixie was about to pull it up on her phone but I snatched her phone out of her hands then charli tried and I took her phone too

"Stop" I hit them both in the arm

"You guys are acting so sus right now I'm not even joking" josh says

"Oh my god do you have a new boyfriend" griff says to me

"Hell no" I laugh

"Are sure you aren't getting back with your ex what was your last text to him huh" griff says and I pull out the snap messages and start to read it

""Fuck her i hate her sm tell her to stop Being such a bitch I never did anything To her and fuck you" ok that's my last text to him you happy now" I say to griff turning off my phone

"Well that was a lot" griff says and everyone nods


Ok that was a lot ummmmmm

Anyways have a good day everyone


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