CHAPTER 24: Oh God!

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The sound of laughter could be heard as we all sat across the dining table and had our breakfast and by all I mean, Araima, Daisy, Emilia, Claudia, Isaac, Nyle, Josh and me of course.

And since there was not enough space on the dining table, me and Isaac were sitting on the top of the kitchen counter.
And as tomorrow was Monday, Araima and Daisy will be leaving for San Francisco in a few hours.

I smiled looking at everyone happily chatting with each other as if they are some old friends.
I rested my head on Isaac's shoulder and whispered, "Thank you."
He smiled down at me lovingly and then kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I looked at Nyle and saw him flirting with Emilia while she blushed. I lightly shook my head, he won't change.

I closed my eyes with my head still resting on his shoulder; I was so tired.
A minute later, with my eyes still close, I realised that the voices in the kitchen disappeared as everyone stopped talking suddenly and then I heard Nyle say, "Look at those two lovebirds!"

I suddenly opened my eyes to see everyone looking at us while Isaac gave a deadly glare to Nyle.
I groaned removing my head from his shoulder making everyone laugh including Isaac.

"You are going to make it up to us by taking us on a vacation", I was told by Emilia as we all were at the airport to drop Araima and Daisy, "and you will be paying for everything."

"Okay...okay...I understood."

Soon, we all hugged each other goodbye before Araima and Daisy ascended my jet.

I will miss them...but thankfully, I have Emilia and Claudia here only.

(A/N: This was just attempt to lengthen the chapter 😅. But something important coming up...)

A week later...

No, no, no...this can't happen.

I walked back and forth in my office's washroom with the pregnancy test in my hand. Positive.

I am pregnant.

Oh God!

I can't believe it!

I missed my periods and I did a pregnancy test and it turned out that I am pregnant.


Am I happy or am I sad? I am not able to decide.
Should I be happy? Of course but...what about Isaac? What if he doesn't wants it?

Oh My God!

What should I do?!

Do I want to keep this baby? Yes.
Am I scared to tell this to Isaac? Yes.
Will Isaac be happy hearing about it? I don't know.
Does Isaac wants a child? I don't know.
How will he react to this? I freaking don't know!

I placed my head against the wall of the washroom as I started crying.
Why the hell I am so emotional?!

I should be happy about this but no, here I am crying!

I should go and tell this to Isaac, he deserves to know.

No, I am not going to tell him right now. I will wait for a few days and first get it confirmed by a gynaecologist.

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