Cinderella Man Chapter 31

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Update time!

We really are nearing the end now guys and this is quite an exciting chapter. Get ready for fireworks next time!

Anyways, like always, let me know what you beautiful people think! There's a few that always comment and like the idiot I am, I always forget to reply to you. For you guys I say, I really appreciate your dedication and your beautiful comments, it really means a lot to me.

So like always, I've blabbed on again. I never did know when to shut up!

But I will now.


Sam's POV

Time stood still.

There was no one else in the room as far as I could see. It was only me and Emily, no one else mattered.

Except we weren't alone.

We were in a church, surrounded by people. Important people. And the whole event was being broadcasted to millions all around the world.

And still, none of that matters to me.

Only she does.

She carried on walking towards me on her fathers arm. As far as anyone could see, she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at James.

But I know, her eyes are set on me.

Realising that I had stopped singing the minute I locked eyes with her, I cough and begin again. She gets closer, closer, until before I know it, she's right in front of me.

If I had an over active imagination, I could almost imagine that she as walking towards me, to marry me. But I'm in reality. And my reality is that I'm just the musician, and she's marrying the man next to me.

Noticing that my time is probably up and my song should be over now, I stop playing.

Emily smiles at me, a real smile, as if she can't believe I'm here. I smile sadly back at her, before turning and taking my seat next to my mother. Emily's gaze follows me the whole way.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Emily Ann Smith and James Ryan Logan," the priest begins.

I feel my mother gently take my hand in hers and squeeze in comfort. I am so grateful that she is here today. In theory, I should hate the woman that left me on the streets, left me homeless. But I am truly happy with the way that my life turned out, and I believe none of it would have happened if I was never homeless. I certainly would never have met Emily and had the opportunity to love her.

Looking at it now, I realise that I would rather have loved her and lost her than never loved her at all. I am a better person because of her, I'm stronger. I will never regret the day that I went to that ball. But I will regret the day that I ran away from marriage. Because now I am sat here, while Emily is at the alter.

"Love is the light in the dark, illuminating all it touches. Before me today, I see a love the could light even the harshest darkness."

'You so sure of that buddy?' I think to myself. What you see before you is not love, it's an arranged marriage.

I wonder how the world would react if they knew that Emily was being forced to marry someone she did not love, that this whole romantic story was a lie. Would there be outrage at such an act? Or would the world simply accept it as something that the royal family occasionally have to do for the greater good?

Somehow, I don't believe any of this is for the greater good. I believe it's all about image.

Before my name was in lights, I was a simple man living off a park bench and busking on the streets. I was not good enough to be King. The Queen knew this. It's why she forbid any contact between me and Emily. And for quite some time I was in agreement with her. But now, I see how wrong that was. It didn't matter what my postcode was, or how I scraped pennies together for my next meal. What mattered was how I felt about the future Queen, and how she felt about me in return. My social status should not matter when it comes to love.

Because me and Emily really do have a love that can illuminate the darkness, even the that of a countries judgement.

"If anyone present here today should have any reason why these two should not be wed, they should speak now or forever hold their peace," the priest says.

Well if I'm going to say anything, my moment would be now.

Could I do that to Emily on her wedding day though, make a scene in front of millions of people? Put Emily on the spot like that, to chose me or her parents wishes?

I'm not sure I can.

Now or never. Come on Sam, it's decision time. The pause will not last forever.

"I object!"

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