Part 11

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I'm sorry for not uploading for forever!!


After explaining everything to Angel, her face seemed to be a perfect mixture of over flowing happiness and anger. "Ugh why do you have to like Skylar! I mean there is Chris willing, and you go after the douche bag!" she shouted. I blushed and started to say I don't like him but she cut me off, "But Chris totally likes you! The most popular guy at school is interested in YOU!" she squealed in delight. I rolled my eyes, "We are friends. Angel that's all. Now get that into your head!" "Ok, ok. But you young lady! You are going to spend the night since it's Friday!" And that right there was the begining of a very awsome weekend.

The week came then went. Then another one went by. Before I knew it, a month had passed. I walked to school with Angel then we said good-bye and went in our different directions. I went to my locker to see Skylar and Tiffiny making out. Even though this had happended many times before, it still made my heart ache. I kept my eyes down and got my books out. I practicly ran into homeroom.

I walked into first period to see Valerie laughing histaricly and Shayla in a seat all the way across the room. I sighed. Valerie was clearly high and it was scaring Shayla to death. 'I guess she's not over her fear for drugs,' I thought. I walked over and sat down next to Valerie. "You do know you are in school, Val. What's the matter?" I asked her. She giggled again, "My uncle hit me again this morning! Then he shouted in my face about how I was a disgrace! But it's ok! This pencil gave me a hug and now I'm all better!" she said while looking at her pencil lovingly. Skylar had walked into class and sat down just in time to hear that. He gave me a look then leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I think you need to take her home." I nodded. "I'll take her to Angels house  her mom should not be home." I whispered back.

I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. Mr. Upchurch gave me his creppy smile and said yes. I grabbed Valerie and dragged her out. "No! My pencil!" she screamed as we were leaving. I made her go faster before she attracted to much attention to herself.  We walked over to Angels house; well I walked, she skipped. A white car in Angels driveway made me stop. That was her moms car. I groaned internally. I got out my phone an texted Skylar.

-Sky, I really hate to ask, but Angels mom is at her house. Can we go back to yours?-

He replied almost imedatly.

-Sure. Meet me in from of my house.-

I dragged on Valerie's arm and tried to pull her towards Skylars house. Instead of comming easily, she sat down on the side walk and began to cry. "You made me leave my pencil!" she wailed. I sighed and tried to get Valerie up. She just continued to sit on the ground and cry. "Need some help?" a deep voice said in my ear. I turned around and saw Skylar standing there. "Oh thank god your here, Sky! I can't get her up!" I nearly screamed at him. He chuckled and bent down and picked her up. "No! I have to go get my pencil!" Valerie sobbed while strugglying to get out of his grasp. "Come on Valerie. I have lots of pencils at my house!" Skylar told her with a serious face. She let out a squeal of delight and settled into his arms. Then we started to walk to his house in scilence.

"So has things been with Tiffiny?" I asked tring to break the uncomfterable quiet. "Its been absolutly amazing. I am really starting to think I am in love with her," he said with a dreamy smile. My heart sunk as he told me more and more about how perfect their relationship was. After what seemed forever, we reached Skylars house. "Well here we are." he anounced happily. He set Valerie down and the three walked in. "Where are the pencils?!" Valerie nearly screamed. "Right here, right here," Skylar replied calmly as he tossed her a new package of #2 pencils. She scrambled to get them. Once she had them she carried them to Skylar's room and started talking to them. "My god! How are we suppost to deal with her?!" I wined at Skylar. He laughed "Trust me, I'm used to it" he told me as he started to walk into his kitchen. "Why?" I asked as I followed him in. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bunch banana. "Well, my mom has a pretty good history with drugs. And when she comes home high I'm the one that has to watch her." he replied shrugging his shoulders. "Oh" was my brilliant response. Desperate to get off the subject I said,"Hey why do you have a banana?" "Well it's suppost to bring you down faster." he said back.

We walked into Skylar's abnormally neat room to find Valerie asleep on his bed. "Well that makes our baby-sitting job alot easier," he said sinking into the loveseat in the corner of his room and flicked on his small TV. I just stood in the same spot awkwardly. Seeing that I was unsure what to do, Skylar patted the spot next to him. "Well arnt you going to come sit on this LOVEseat with me?" he asked with a smirk. At that I rolled my eyes, "Oh yes! I am completely in love with you Skylar!" I shouted at him dramaticly. 'How on target that was,' I whispered on the inside. I shook all those thoughts out of my head and sat down next to Skylar.

After a couple hours of watching TV I started to yawn. "Tired?" Skylar asked. I replied by nodding by head while I rubbed my eyes, probably smearing my make-up. He pulled me over to him so I was snuggled up to his side. I settled blissfully into his side with his arm around me and fell asleep.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" a voice screamed, snapping me out of dreamland. I looked up to see Tiffiny so mad she had turned red. I looked back to Skylar to see his shocked expression. "Baby! It's nothing like that I swear! We just fell asleep while we were watching Valerie!" he said franticly while gesturing towards the now awake Valerie as he jumped up. "Yea right! This isn't the first time this has happend! I bet your even giving it to this whore when you won't give it to me!" She screamed again. 'He was turning down sex?' I thought  to myself, 'Wonder why.' "I swear it was absolutly nothing like that! Nothing! Never!" he yelled back despretely. "It doesn't matter! I've been messing around with Brandon the whole time anyway! I don't need you!" she shrieked. I automatically turned to look at Skylar. He was the picture of heartbreak. Just seeing his expression made my heart ache. "Get out." he said, his voice hard and emotionless. She turned with a satisfied look and walked out of his room and out the door. As soon as she was gone he collapsed into a ball of tears. I looked over at Valerie. "I better go," she whispered and ran out of the house.

I turned my gaze to Skylar. He didn't deserve to be treated like this. He let out another heart wrenching sob. I pulled him into a hug. He cried into my shoulder and I whispered, "It's ok," over and over again. The sobs continued, one after another. Each one ripped though my gut. They started to slow down until they pretty much stopped. Skylar looked over at his desk and I got a pretty good look at his face. His eyes were red and puffy, his nose was running, and there were tear tracks all over his face. He was still staring at his desk like he was trying to decide something I turned to him and gave him a confused look. That seemed to make up his mind and he got up and walked over to the desk. Skylar picked up a small shiny razor. As soon as I figured out what it was I rushed over and grabbed it harshly out of his grasp. I needed to get rid of it, bur I didn't know where. I made up my mind and stuck it down my shirt. Skylar just looked at me for a minute, then he burst out laughing. " it!" he choked out between laughs. I glared at him. When he caught my glare he just continued to laugh. "Oh come on it was sorta funny!" he said. I just shook my head. "Aw... Is Jessica mad?" he asked in a baby voice. I rubbed my temples, this was giving me a headache. "Woah! What's that?" Skylar asked. He stepped over to me and ran his fingers across my temple. When he pulled back there was blood on them. I looked down at my hands to see a fair bit of blood comming out of multiple cuts. Skylar took my hands in his and looked them over. "Ah shit Jessica I'm sorry! I bet you cut them on the razor, let me get you some band-aids." he said.

After I was all band-aided up, I took out my phone to see a whole bunch of phone calls from Angel. "I'm sorry I have to go, Sky" I told him. He nodded and walked me to the door. "Will you be ok?" I asked him seriously. "Don't worry about me. But can I have my razor back?" he said I reached down my shirt an pulled out the razor. "You mean this one?" I asked with a wink as I handed it to him. Then I leaned in really close and whispered in his ear, "But I am going to check our wrists again. And there better not be a new cut." Then I leaned back. "I'll try" he replied with a weak smile. I pulled him into a hug and whispered, "I'm sorry," into his ear. He pulled back and wiped away a tear I didn't know had fallen.  "Thank you. If Tiffiny hadn't walk into us doing, well nothing, she would still be fooling me. I guess that's what I get though. God punishing me for all my sins." he said with a sad smile. "Oh shut up, you don't deserve it! Never!" I replied back a little angry, how could he think that? "You better get going Jessica. Angel is going to end up calling the cops." he leaned down and kissed my nose. "I'll see you later, Jessica." he said and went back into his house, leaving me on the front porch.


I hope you guys like Skylar more! I know i do!

~Spaztasticly Mags

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