I love you (No homo) but no time for jokes

*Serious thinking face on* so, what happened?

Luna sprained her ankle

1. Crap is she okay?

2. How do you know?

3. Have you finally accepted that you're *Eclipsed*?

1. Yes, she's fine

2. I was there when it happened, I helped her, ofc

3. I am not, I was just being a good friend

I'll act as if you didn't just lie to me with the third

Answer, continue, why does Luna spraining her ankle

Involve you in any way???

I, might've, uh, offered to, well, help her get

around school until she gets better....


Man, that just goes on to show how eclipsed you are

you're willing to follow her around for 2-3 weeks, losing

Your freedom completely for nothing in return

I hate to be the one to tell you, but, you, kind sir,

are completely eclipsed by our good friend Luna

Noooo, I am just being a good friend, Nina won't be around

to help her and I felt bad, so I took pity and offered to help


And she accepted??

Why do you sound so surprised Perida?

I wouldn't accept to spend every hour of every

school day with the person I like if they don't know

I like them.

When are you going to understand that she doesn't like

me like that?

When pigs fly, that's when

Well I gtg to sleep, I got to get to school early,

I have to help Luna get around school and I don't want to

Be late.


More like *good friend*, good night bro

Sleep well, dream with your little moon



⚡Simon ⚡



Would you care to tell me why I had to hear from

Nina that you got hurt???

Simon, it's not a big deal, I'm fine, don't worry

everything's okay, it doesn't even hurt that much

Okay, i'm glad, but you should've told me tho

I know, I know and I'm sorry, I just forgot to,

Matteo and Nina were worried enough, you would've

worried even more than those two combined


Wait, Matteo??? 😏😏😏

what was matteo doing with you?

Okay, no sly faces Alvarez, he just happened to be

there, and he helped me

Seriously luna, when are you going to realize?

and don't you dare ask what because you know

exactly what I'm talking about

I don't Simon, but i gtg to sleep, it's been a long day

and my foot is aching a little

Alr, but don't you dare tell me you don't

Know, but, good night my friend

Nighty night Simon


XXX wellll, that was chapter six, I think. Anywayyyy, i've got nothing to add so until next time, you know you love me, X.O.X.O. Gossip Girl (Sorry, I'm Obssesed) ;) XXX

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