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Brown autumn leaves fell from the trees, blanketing the forest floor. Bradley trudged through the piles of fallen leaves, contemplating the last four months.

Last November his best friend went missing. Alyssa had texted him late in the afternoon, saying she was back from her cousin's wedding in London and to meet her at their childhood cubby house. They'd had a great catch-up, and when it was time to leave they said goodbye. At the time he didn't realise he was saying goodbye forever; at least he hoped it wasn't forever. He looked around, surrounded by trees. He felt like he'd searched the entire forest in the time Alyssa had been gone. He thought by now that he would've found at least a clue to where she could have gone, or something that could possibly lead to what happened to her. So far, all he'd managed to find was Alyssa's blue fur-trim coat, which he had to turn in to the police as it was evidence. That coat had been her favourite, she would wear it everywhere despite the weather being far too warm.

After finding the coat the police had told him not to go back into the forest as it was still an ongoing investigation. He hadn't listened though, and still went down every single day to look for her as though it were his duty, his responsibility. His parents were concerned, but he told them not to worry.

Bradley passed the familiar grove of trees by the freeway where the forest turned into rough, overgrown hiking trails. They had been abandoned years ago after too many people got hurt or lost trying to navigate the tall trees and prickly bushes. Despite this, one or two hikers and campers went up every year and always came out with a broken leg or snake bite. It was the only place Bradley hadn't dared to search, knowing how mad his parents would be if they ever found out. He doubted Alyssa, of all people, would stumble onto the blocked-off pathways to go exploring. She knew better than that.

So did Bradley. Pulling his hood over his head, he dragged his feet in the direction of the nearest stretch of road and began walking home. Every weekend and after school Bradley found himself searching the forest for anything that could lead to what happened that night, walking along the river until his legs ached. Today was no different, only he had homework due by tomorrow waiting for him at home.

For the millionth time Bradley listed the events he knew happened for certain, not bothering to look ahead as he crossed the road and turned onto High Street. Alyssa had just returned from her cousin's wedding in England, texted him to meet her in the cubby at four o'clock, and sat down with him until six o'clock. Then they had both walked up to the perimeter of the trees, until Alyssa remembered that she left her coat at the cubby and went back to fetch it. He had continued on home, thinking nothing was wrong. No, Bradley thought. There was something else. He saw something else that night, something so minor at the time he had barely registered it. There was a movement in the bushes that night, just as Alyssa said goodbye. Could it have just been an animal scurrying in the dark, or someone who could have taken Alyssa?

The loud blaring of a car horn snapped him out of his daze. Bradley's eyes widened in shock as the car barely missed crashing into him. People were yelling at him now, rolling their eyes and gesturing for him to get off the road. Bradley ran briskly to the sidewalk, glancing back to the border of trees. Disappointment, a now familiar feeling, consumed him once again. He must have wandered the forest at least a thousand times, and Alyssa was still nowhere to be found.

Epton was a bustling city next to a beautiful countryside, though it felt more like a small town. With a population of 1,985 it was impossible to know everyone, but the community considered themselves to be tight knit. News of Alyssa's disappearance travelled quickly, and shocked a great deal of people. After nearly four months the city had begun to lose hope of her ever coming back, but not Bradley; he couldn't lose hope.

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