~Graduation Afterparty~

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This was it. Class 1A's graduation from UA High, one of the top hero schools in japan. They had called all the other classes from the third years, and now Present Mic for the last time would shout: "CAN WE GET A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR CLASS 1A OF UA HIGH!! YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS YOU'VE SPENT HERE!! IT'S YOUR GRADUATION AND YOU GUYS BETTER ENJOY IT!" He screamed into his microphone, with a little lump in his throat. He and his husband, Shota Aizawa were retiring. They had about a week to clean out their classroom and gather their belongings from the teacher's lounge. They were only retiring since they didn't have a permanent house or apartment, and shinsou had recently been orphaned; his parents had gone on a cruise and a horrible, unexpected storm set them off course. They died in the tragic accident. Aizawa and Mic had agreed to take him in, Shinsou was already just like Aizawa anyways. That wasn't their only worry. One now eight year old little girl was being home (dorm)- schooled by 1-A. Eri, the formerly abused little girl was now needing to get enrolled in an actual school. She couldn't be home-schooled forever, after all. Aizawa and Mic had made the decision to adopt Eri and Shinsou, since they were either orphaned or legally in the foster-care system.

After The Ceremony the students were packing their dorms up.

In the girls dorms:

"HEY CHAKO!! YA NEED ANY HELP?!" Ochako's friend, Mina Ashido screamed from her dorm room, which was right across the hall from Ochakos dorm room, so there was really no need to scream that loud. Ashido stumbled out of her room holding three big boxes in her arms, two backpacks probably full of clothes on her back, five; maybe more hand bags on her shoulders, and she was dragging two suitcases which she had attached to the backpacks with a string. "Ashido-San, why are you asking me for help?! You're gonna break your back if you keep that up!" Ochako yelled, realizing how much her friend was pulling around.

"Nah I'll be fine" the pink haired girl panted, going to drop off her luggage at the front door of the dorm buildings. She rushed back to Ochako, who was still staring in disbelief of how energetic her pink friend was. Ochako herself only had a single suitcase and a backpack. They contained some clothes, hero gear, Tupperware and some silverware. She didn't feel like carrying her suitcase down the stairs and into the common room, so she simply floated them there. "Smart thinking girlie," one of the brunette's friends, a punky rock star Kyoka Jirou, whom Mina called 'Kyo' or 'J-J' and sometimes 'Yo-Yo', complimented the round faced girl. "That was cool 'n all, but watch this!" the purple haired punk exclaimed, hanging on to the two boxes, four backpacks she was holding along with one suitcase which she had looped around one of her earphone jacks, using the other earphone jack she plugged it into the roof, swinging herself down to where the other girl's luggage was, dropped hers off and zipped herself back up to her friends. "Ta-Da! My new special attack! Sorta, it needs some work," Kyoka explained as her friends gawked at her, their jaws practically on the floor. The music obsessed girl giggled and went to meet her boyfriend, an electric mess, or as she liked to call him, "deformed pikachu" which Denki didn't mind, he thought it was cute. He had balanced one small box on his head, carrying two backpacks on his back, and lugging around a bright yellow suitcase with a star of purple in the middle. "Look Jay-Jay, Sero made us a custom suitcase! Isn't it cute?!" The electric charged boy squealed, earning a smirk from his precious girlfriend. Ochako and Mina awed at them from a distance, as friends should. Mina suddenly jumped up at least three feet, shooting acid onto the floor. "Ashido-San? What's wrong?!" The worried brunette gasped, rushing over to her friend. "Sorry babe!" A spiky red-head yelled from where they were previously standing, a guilty grin on his face, going over to help his pink haired girlfriend. "What was that Kiri?!" Mina yelled, jokingly offended. "A welcome to move in with me jump scare!" The red-head yelled, a huge smile on his face. "I already knew we were moving in together smart-ass!" Mina laughed, taking one of her boyfriends boxes from his arms, helping his carry the rest of his luggage down. Ochako sighed. She was still single, which didn't come as a big surprise to her. She wasn't as fit or as wealthy as her friends,
But she never assumed that would be a problem. She tried to think about which of her friends were single. Hmmm There's yayurozou-san...but she doesn't want a relationship...there's Midoriya-kun..but he's too busy with hero work to have a love life.. there's also......Bakugou-kun? He has girls all over him though..

Ochako was snapped back to reality as a few boxes and some backpacks floated past her. "Wait did I use my quirk on something?!" "Hello? Floating boxes?! Release!" Ochako yelled, tripping and tumbling towards the floating boxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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