What a surprise

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"Snips!?" I heard Anakin's gruff voice grow louder as he approached the door to the training center. I had been working out all morning, I could help it but sometimes feel so useless waiting around for another mission. Not mentioning that all this time makes the wheels in my head turn with various thoughts, some thoughts that I try to push away, things that I have tried to leave back in the past never to see it again under the rising flames. 

"Yes, Master?" I solicited curiously for what he had to tell me. I stepped out of the water that was putrid cold-like hoth, creating a weird sensation as the warmth of the temple's heat meat my chill body, before I wrapped it within a towel that was light and fuzzy on my skin. 

"I received a mission for us from the council," Anakin updated me with a small unexpected gleam in his smile, that he fought so hard to hide. He always had this weird oh I always have to look and grumpy thing. 

I let my eyes flicker at his face for a moment, as I wondered where we would be for the "holidays".   "Where to?" I desired to know the location, which I presumed would be anywhere but here, and honestly anywhere would be fine, I was just tired of being here not doing anything. 

"Onderon," His words were like a lightsaber in my skull, cutting deeper and deeper with a slow pace as the vile smell of burning skin glommed in the air. 

OnderonI I thought to my self, and I took it back, what I said earlier. I wanted to be anywhere but here but not there, not after all this time, I couldn't. "Aren't you going to say something?" he canvassed fluffing a cloud over my dripping wet head. 

"What a surprise," Was all I could mumble, after all, we all know who is on Onderon. 

"We leave tomorrow morning, so met me in the hanger," He instructed in his normal serious tone. After all, even though no matter how much I didn't want to go I had to, he is my master after all, and I'm not going to let anything get ruined just because of some troubled history with a  friend. If he was that. 

Please don't be there I begged in my mind, as I watched Anakin trail out of the room, the chrome automatic doors closing behind him without a sound. After all, it took me forever to get it all out of my mind, I couldn't I just couldn't it again. Not only because of what happened, with Steela, not seeing each other for the longest time periods but putting myself through it all even when I knew I shouldn't, even though I knew wit completely against the code but hey, it's gone, I will just ignore it. 

I gently took the towel and started dabbing my montrals, attempting to absorb the moisture that resided on the surface of my skin. My training suit stuck to my body, like a glove that was 3 sizes too small, and I just didn't want to think about it all, so why not focus on the now. Focus on getting this cold suit off, one thing at a time. 

𝑳𝒖𝒙𝒔𝒐𝒌𝒂-🎀𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵🎀Where stories live. Discover now