Chapter 16: Losing Hope

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Nick's POV

I slumped back in my chair, chugging down my third beer. The pub was haunted by silence, leaving me to collect my thoughts without disturbance.

"Another beer please," I called out to the bartender. Reluctantly, he passed me another glass. My mind was clouded with unnecessary thoughts. I wanted Sophia back. I wanted Sam to be mine. But of course they wouldn't be. If it wasn't for those stupid boys, I'd still be able to get them back. Not thinking clearly, I stumbled off of my chair, grabbing my coat. I placed my hand against other cars, trying to keep my balance. Once I reached what I was hoping was my car, I got inside and started the engine. Having no idea where I was going, I drove.

Somehow, I ended up at Sophia's place. Determination became my goal as I got out. Stumbling towards the door, I gulped down a quick swig of whiskey. I knocked on the door and waited.

Opening the door, I saw a scared and confused looking curly-haired boy. I was seeing threes, but I was sure I was looking at Harry.

"Heyy Herryyy," I slurred, stumbling against the brick wall.

"Uhh hi?" He replied looking me up and down. Anger rushed through my body, remembering he stole Sophia from me. Without thought, I punched him square in the face with all my strength, resulting in him falling to the floor. If I wanted Sophia back, I'd have to take what is most precious to her. Before walking past Harry, I kicked him in the stomach, and hurried to Soph's room. As I stumbled in, Sam slept soundlessly. I dropped the whiskey bottle, and walked over to Sam. I slipped my arms under him, trying not to wake him. I gently place him over my shoulder, and stumble out of the room. Harry lied, almost dead on the floor. Ignoring him. I rushed outside and placed Sam in the back. His eyes fluttered open and grew scared.

"MOMMY!!" He shrieked. He began kicking and screaming. I locked the door, and hurried to the driver's seat. His whimpering grew louder, causing me to grow irritated.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him. His eyes were red, his small body trembling. Let's play a game Sophia. Find me.

Sophia's POV

I pulled up to the house, tears trembling down my face. I could hear Kassy gasp as she saw police cars and an ambulance sitting outside. Caution tape proceeded around the house and front yard. My heart pounded as I got out. It felt like one of those slow movies. Everything was moving so slowly. Pushing past the police, I ran inside.

"Miss, this is closed for inspection," A police officer stopped me.

"I live here!" I yelled hastily pushing past him. He let me through without hesitation, and what I saw broke me. Harry was sitting on the floor rocking back and forth, tears streaming endlessly down his face. Kassy pushed past me and sat beside him, holding him close.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he continuously whispered. Kassy held him, soothing him.

"What happened," my voice trembled. no answer. "Harry, what happened!?" I shrieked. Tears began speeding down his face. He pointed to my room. Time stopped. My heart raced. I pushed past the officers and firemen, going into my room. There, Sam's bed was empty. His covers were thrown off, and his batman was lying there without its owner. I slowly fell onto his small bed, letting tears fall onto his cold pillow. I felt lost, and empty. My baby was gone and I couldn't do anything but cry. I held the batman close, not wanting to believe this was all happening.

"Sophia?!" I heard Louis call out for me. I couldn't answer. All I wanted to do was lie here and die of a broken heart. Through my blurry vision, I could see Louis running towards me, taking me into his arms."Shhh... it's okay Soph, everything will be okay," he tried to soothe. But I knew it wouldn't be okay. It wouldn't be okay until I got my baby back.

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