Chapter 5

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It was now the morning of a new day and I was still locked up in the room from yesterday. At least they weren't going to let me starve. I got dinner yesterday then went straight to bed. Now I'm just walking around the room with nothing to do and they haven't brought me breakfast yet. I think it's past breakfast time so what's taking them so long. I heard the pitter patter of feet on the ground running past my door and went to the doors window to try see who it was. I saw a blur of brown and orange run past.

"What in the-", I began but stopped short when I heard screaming coming from down the hall in the opposite direction the two figures went by in.

I heard noises of confusion and footsteps running back and forth. I had no idea what was going on. Then I heard once again footsteps coming in my direction. Joe ran up to my door and had a look of confusion on his face.

"B-but, y-you're in there. H-how-", he stuttered and I cut him off.

"What's going on?", I asked with some sort of a demanding tone.

He pointed to the direction of the cafeteria, worry and confusion still in his eyes. Then Chief McDonald came up to the door running.

"Hmm...", he mumbled lowering his head.

"What's going on?", I asked again.

He opened the door and I walked out of the room still not sure what was going on.

"If you were in there then..., follow me.", he said with sternness in his voice.

Joe and I followed him to the café. When we got there was a huge crowd of people. Someone turned and around and hugged me tightly. It was Abby.

"Good Morning.", I said.

"Today is not a good morning Ashton...", she said quietly parting from the hug holding down her head.

I cocked my head, "Huh?"

"Just..., go up there and look for yourself.", she said.

I pushed through the crowd to get to the front. When I finally got there I froze with shock. Mr. Brown's lifeless body laid on the ground on his stomach, stab wounds on his lower torso, back and hip. His white suit was drenched with blood and his hair tips had dried blood on them.

"W-what happened?", I asked backing away from the body and back to Abby.

Marcus and Sasha walked out of the crowd and towards us.

"Mr. Brown was feeling better this morning and joined us for breakfast.", Sasha started.

"After we ate Nurse Anna was going to bring your food, but... things happened...", Marcus continued sadly.

"We all left to do our tasks. Michael went with Joe, Emily went with Chris, Shaun with Jóse and I went with Marcus and Sasha.", Abby picked up, "We had only gotten to storage when we heard a scream and a shout for help. We ran back to Café only to see Nurse Anna and the Chief running out of Med Bay and Mr. Brown... dead..."

"Everyone else came quickly after, all with the people they left the café with.", Sasha said.

"I bet Heights is behind this.", a male voice said.

I turned around and saw Michael.

"And how exactly is it me?", I asked getting slightly annoyed that he keeps pinning the blame on me.

"It's not him Mich.", Joe spoke up, "He was in the locked room the entire time. And there isn't a way in or out of there apart from the door."

"Hmph, switching sides I see.", Michael folded his arms.

"I'm not, I'm just using my brain.", Joe replied.

"Are you saying I'm not?", Michael asked looking very upset.

Abby, Marc, Sasha, and I backed away from the two so we don't get in the mix of their crossfire.

"Yes, I am.", Joe replied sassily.

"And how do you know it's not him?", Michael asked.

"Because! He doesn't have a reason to!", Joe exclaimed, "Why in the living bloody hell would Ashton ever murder or hurt someone?!"


"Exactly.", Joe said and walked off to join the crowd.

Marc whistled and turned his back away from Michael.

"Shut up Calisto!", Michael said and then walked off to the other side of the room leaning against the wall.

"Hey...", Chris said walked up to us, "Sorry for, thinking it was you."

"Don't worry about it.", I said.

"But the real question now is who did it...", the chief said walking over to the body.

I then remembered seeing the two figures that ran past my door.

"Joe, Michael was with you the entire time right?", I asked him.

He turned around and said, "Yeah, why?"

"And you never lost sight of him once?"

"Yes, and again why?", he asked.

"What are you think Heights? If you're think it was be then-"

"Oh be quiet Michael and let Ashton talk.", Marc said cutting Michael off.

I went over to the closet in the corner of the room and looked inside. My eyes widened. The closet was empty. No suits, no lint, nothing.

"I..., I think we have and imposter among us..."

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