Chapter 1: Oh Boy...

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It was a day after Alastor came to the hotel and Alastor was getting ready to go with Stolas and his daughter to Loo Loo Land as a body guard.

     "Why couldn't Stolas have hired those imps from I.M.P." Alastor Thought as he walked out side to a van with the I.M.P logo.

     "He did... Guess he needed reinforcements if those imps failed to protect him and Octavia." Alastor thought while internally groaning.

     "Alastor! Alastor! Come sit by me!" Stolas called out, Alastor reluctantly sat beside Stolas only for Stolas to start rubbing his thigh.

     "I hope this isn't bothering you my sweet fawn~" Stolas purred into Alastor's ear making him shiver from what could happen to him if this escalated to much.

     "DAD! STOP HARASSING THE RADIO DEMON!" Octavia yelled at her father.

     "He obviously doesn't like it." Octavia continued with a blank face trying to ignore her father.

     "Oh my, am I making you uncomfortable? I can stop if you like?" Stolas said secretly still wanting to get into Alastor's pants.

     "Please do" Alastor said in desperation wanting to no longer be harassed be the owl man.

     "Fine, I'll stop" Stolas said reluctantly.

     "For now~" Stolas whispered under his breath looking into Alastor's ruby red eyes coming up with a plan to have the deer. Blitzo was walking to back to see what the hell was going on, the second he opened the door his eyes fell to the red clad demon and blushed instantly. Blitzo saw that Stolas was harassing Alastor and felt a deep rage for the owl prince.

     "He's so hot and cute, how can he be both?!" Blitzo thought while he was still staring at the Radio demon.

     "Alright, seat belts on, we're leaving in T minus 5 seconds!" Blitzo yelled out to Moxxie and Millie. And just like they were off.

------------------------Time skip to robo fizz since the walk to all those other things would just be Stolas Harassing Alastor and Blitzo drooling over Alastor------------------------------------------------

After Robo Fizz finished his little song everyone left all but Alastor, he wanted to meet the robot up close.

     "My my, what's this my sensors see?! The Radio Demon! What are you doing in a place like this?" Fizz exclaimed feeling something towards the red clad deer.

     "I'm here with Stolas and his daughter as a guard but since he has the imps from I.M.P with him I don't really need to protect him, I also wanted to be away from him, he was making me uncomfortable." Alastor ranted shivering at the end. Robo Fizz took long strides to the deer so he could get closer to the buck.

     "If it were me, I'd try my best to make you comfortable." Robo Fizz said as sparks lit up around his face as he talked.
     "Thank you but I doubt Stolas would let you anywhere near me, he's acting like an overprotective parent shielding his child from the outside world even though I'm the one that is supposed to be protecting him and his daughter from other imps that think they even have chance in killing either of them." Alastor ranted to prove his discomfort from the situation he is in with the slutty owl.
     "That's a shame." Fizz said while thinking of a plan to have Alastor for himself.
------------meanwhile with Stolas and the gang--------------

This story has been stopped due to the fact I will now be posting on AO3 as INVADER_SIK, I have yet to do it but I will soon.

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