Chapter:- 6

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Zayed's POV:

"We finally got the deal man." Sufi said excitedly and I chuckled.

"By the way, when are you taking her to meet her parents? It's been a week man." He said and I sighed.

"I want to take her. But I'm afraid what if Sabit do something again." I said sighing deeply and he nodded his head.

"But we can't hide ourselves from him. We have to take some steps." He said and I nodded my head.

"I will do something, bro. After a month or so, I'll leave her at her house for some days and will end the chapter of that stupid Sabit." I said and he smiled.

"You are creating feelings for her, bro." He said smiling at me and I shook my head.

"Stop talking nonsense." I said but my lips smiled.

"And what about Ilham? She is also seeing a dream of becoming someone's bride." He said and I sighed.

"I can't give her to a family who will take her as a burden." I said and he nodded his head.

"I pray she gets a partner who will accept her just like she is. Ameen." He whispered to himself and I said Ameen slowly. He was about to say something when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and got confused seeing the House's landline number. I picked up the call and before I can say anything I heard her voice.

"Someone is knocking on the door. He is threatening us to open the door. I'm getting scared, Zayed. Please come fast." My eyes widened hearing her shaky voice and speeded my car.

"I'm coming. Don't open the door. Okay. You hearing me, love?" I said speeding my car and call got cut before I can hear her. 

"What happened, bro?" Sufi asked and I gulped.

"I think Sabit came. She called me and her voice was shaking. Damn it. How can I leave them alone?" I said hitting on the steering and he was just silent.

"I should have been with them." I heard his voice and nodded my head. I don't care at what speed I'm driving right now and which signal I'm crossing I just know that I'm heading towards my home where most important persons lives are in danger. I hope Alfiya helps her in calming down. This some minutes are feeling like years. Ya Allah. Protect them. Everyone in that house are important for me. From maids to my wife. They are not maids. They are part of my lonely life. We reached home and without thinking twice I ran out of the car only to get shocked when I found the door already open. I looked at Sufi who was standing there with wide eyes. He looked at me and sighed. We walked inside slowly. My hands were shaking already and heart was beating fast. As we reached there the scene made me more shocked. Sabit was on the ground holding his head and Alfiya was standing there with a vase in her hand. Sufi reached her and took the vase from her hand. While I walked towards him and pulled him up. He looked at me and then smirked.

"Why are you here?" I gritted my teeth holding him tightly by his collar and he chuckled. The nerves of this guy. I was about to punch him when I heard Alfi.

"Bhai, he is bleeding. Please don't do anything." I looked at her who was looking at me with teary eyes. I sighed and left him. He saved himself from falling. I was about to pick him up so that someone can treat him when Sufi stopped me.

"I'll manage him. You go and be with Bhabhi. She is hell scared." He said pointing at her who was sitting the couch pressing her knees to her chest and head buried in her knees while her body was shaking. What happened to her? I left him and walked towards her. I sat beside her and was about to wrap my arms around her shoulder when she jerked my hand making me shock.

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