Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #5

Start from the beginning

When they get back to the house, Engin and Mrs. Ikbal are waiting and try to hide their smiles as they see Ferit stride into the kitchen carrying all of the purchases from the market. Ferit asks Nazli if she has any cookies they can serve. She reminds him that he doesn't want that kind of stuff around so she doesn't make it anymore unless Bulut is there. To rib her, Ferit tells her to just make enough to eat in one day. Really?!? Ferit leaves Nazli flabbergasted and walks away with a sly smile on his face. Nazli gives his retreating back a dirty look while talking about him under her breath.

When Nazli brings refreshments for everyone, she learns they are meeting to talk about the documents Ausman took pictures of. Thinking they will learn who took them, she becomes stressed and faints. She comes to lying on the couch and seeing Ferit's concerned face. She says she is okay; she just hasn't eaten anything since earlier in the day. When Ferit asks her why she didn't get something from the fridge, she reminds him about his rule that employees cannot eat anything from the kitchen. Engin shoots him a look of disgust and Ferit sarcastically says, "Like you follow all the rules?" Ferit tells Nazli to have a rest and Tarik will take her home when he comes. She says she will finish her work and leaves the room.

Nazli is hysterical when she calls Fatos to tell her about the possible discovery of who took the photos. She says she will go and confess and hangs up the call. When she turns around, Ferit is standing there. He asks if she is okay and she says she is fine. She asks if he is okay. He replies he will be when he finds out who is behind taking the photos of the documents. Nazli starts to confess. Ferit stops her saying her health is more important and he wants her to go home. (Confession attempt #2 has just failed). Engin calls Ferit into the living room and invites Nazli to come as well to hear what the lawyers found out. To her relief, they are still unable to trace the source of the documents.

Before Nazli leaves for the day, she goes to tell Ferit his dinner is ready. She starts to apologize and just when you think she is going to tell him, she clarifies "for fainting" and turns to leave. Ferit looks after her with concern.

The next day Nazli stops in to see Bulut who tells her his birthday is in two days. They enjoy a fun visit which includes a watergun fight with Deniz. The three of them get soaked but are clearly happy with their time together.

Ferit has his hands full dealing with his mother's anger when he stops to visit her. Ferit is downright cold in dealing with his mother. When his voice becomes very quiet, he has had enough. Their exchange reveals why their relationship is so hostile.

When Nazli starts to leave after making Ferit's dinner, he strolls into the kitchen. He asks if she is okay after fainting the previous day. She assures him she is fine. She tells him about her visit with Bulut, then offers to go with him for a visit. Ferit tells her that he cannot go into "that" house. He will not visit Bulut while he still has to live there but will find an appropriate time and place. Nazli interrupts and tells Ferit in a very heated manner that Bulut misses him a lot, and he is being very selfish to leave him all alone.

You can see Ferit is getting mad but this doesn't stop Nazli. She continues berating him and tells him that seeing Bulut is more important than their fights. She looks defeated after getting no response from him. She snaps at him saying "You know better" and starts to walk out. As she nears the door, she turns and reminds him that Bulut's birthday is in two days. So maybe he can arrange "an appropriate time and place" to see him then, throwing Ferit's own words back at him. Nazli is a Mama Bear when it comes to Bulut. Ferit just watches her leave with a pensive stare. The next day, Ferit tells Demet and Hakan that he will take Bulut to visit his mother for his birthday.

Later that night, Ferit and Engin get together after finding out about Fatos' lies about being a successful designer. Ferit puts the pieces together and realizes that the same Fatos is Nazli's friend. Ferit is convinced Nazli knew about the lies and kept the secret, possibly even helping her, and that Engin was right from the beginning that these girls are just after a rich husband. He goes on to say that all women are the same. Engin says it is unfair to lump Nazli in this group after all she has done for Bulut and she is happily working for Ferit. But Ferit is having none of this and feels Nazli is guilty by association. We can see how deep Ferit's trust issues are as he runs down a list of Nazli's faults. First her sister is in prison, her best friend is a liar, and he believes she is cooking for him so this will not get noticed.

Engin continues to defend Nazli and even backpedals a little about Fatos. Engin and Ferit both decide it is better not to trust ANY women in this lifetime. Engin asks if Ferit will invite Nazli to Bulut's party. He replies no; it's just for family and there is no place for someone we don't know like Nazli. Ouch! It appears Ferit may still be a little sore from the dressing down Nazli gave him about Bulut.

On the other side of town, Deniz invites Nazli to Bulut's birthday party after they spend a nice time together talking and having coffee and cookies. It is obvious Deniz is in love with her.

The next day, Ferit goes to pick up Bulut for his birthday party. Bulut asks if Nazli will be there and Ferit tells him she will not. Right away, Bulut asks what he did to make her upset. He knows Nazli loves him and would not miss his birthday unless Ferit has upset her. Ferit changes the subject and whisks him away to his mother's estate for the party.

Bulut's face is priceless when he sees Nazli coming into the yard with Deniz. Ferit is standing off to the side and Nazli is aware he is giving her the cold shoulder. They glance at each other across the yard. Nazli can see the wheels turning in Ferit's head. She gets up and approaches him asking why he is scowling at her. He plays like he doesn't know what she is talking about but she calls him on it. In fact, she says she can tell exactly what he is thinking. Ferit asks if she is a mind reader now. She explains that it is not that hard to figure out what he is thinking. He has probably gathered a lot of negative things in his head and then believes everything is true. She mimics his thoughts saying, "This girl was just as I thought. Her sister got into prison, her friend is a liar, and these three women are just hunting for rich husbands. They sit at home making plans."

Ferit defends what he believes, but Nazli tells him none of it is true. She tells him Fatos really loved Engin. He tells her Fatos lied to make Engin like her, but Nazli defends Fatos saying she is not like that. She explains that when Engin took her remarks the wrong way when they first met, Fatos could not fix it even though she wanted to. Ferit volleys back telling Nazli that it is not that hard to tell the truth; it is enough to just be honest.

Nazli asks him, "Haven't you ever had a time when you wanted to say something but couldn't? Even to your Mom, Dad, or sister?" She is really talking about her own struggle to tell him about Ausman. She does not know that Ferit himself has kept a secret in order not to hurt his father. She tells Ferit how lucky he is not having to experience that and then turns and walks away from him.

After letting Nazli's words sink in, Ferit follows her with a chagrined look on his face. He catches up with her on the deck that overlooks the pond. His tone of voice softens as he begins talking about all the times he and his sister hid from their mother at this exact spot. He tells her they could not be together or apart and still he cannot believe his sister is dead. He misses her phone calls, even though they irritated him. Nazli sympathizes with Ferit and tells him everyone needs him. Bulut, his mom, and Deniz.

Ferit gets choked up and quickly tells Nazli they need to get back to the party. He turns around and leaves. One would think their relationship has taken a couple steps back.

As the birthday party breaks up, Nazli leaves with Deniz. When they get into his car, they find it won't start.


This episode guide is written and inspired by the characters of the "Dolunay" series. All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written exclusively for Can Yaman International by Sue Croft.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International

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