12:09 am

40 20 3

knives of mistakes,
stabbed on my back repeatedly
while there's a dagger in my chest,
that keeps me from moving forward

nothing could describe the hollow in me
while I feel like drowning at the same time
like the planets without the universe itself
living but how and why?

waking up to watch the sun fall back to its place
begging any existing celestial,
to do the same —
with my wound that refuse to heal

peace, I want the war to come to a halt!
I don't want what the world has to offer tomorrow
if I keep falling back today!

faces, I can't stop thinking of the faces,
the faces of the people if they find out
could they see it?
they say eyes are windows to soul
could anybody see it?
a mere existence slowly colliding?
pieces by pieces
but nobody figured out
and so I wept

Dancing In The Rain AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora