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"Uh...dad...?" (Y/n) asked, stepping back a few times.

"I got him," Aizawa said.

The blue haired male started running over towards (Y/n), but Aizawa used his scarf and shot it at the male. He simply grabbed it with one of his hands. The two were face to face, but AIzawa went low and elbowed the male in the stomach area, but the blue haired male caught his arm.

(Y/n) took a closer look, and saw her fathers skin was starting to break off. It was like his skin was made of porcailine, breaking off piece by piece. She quickly clapped her hands, and shot herself towards them. "Get your haands off of him!"

Aizawa quickly pushed the blue hiared male away and took a small step of retreat. (Y/n) used her feet, and kicked the guy, aiming for his face. He used his forearms to block, while the girl used his center of gravity and pushed herself back, flipping over and landing on her feet.

"You've got some nerve..." (Y/n) growled, clapping her hands again and summoned a spear. If this guy was able to break apart her fathers elbow like it was porciline, she needed to keep her distance. "You'll pay for that!"

Before she could even move, a large hand grabbed both of her smaller ones. She looked up, seeing the stragne creature. Before she knew it, the concrete spear shattered, bits and pieces of it piercing her skin while the pressure of it's hand crushed them further and further, causing her bones to break.

(Y/n)'s brain took 5 seconds to register what was happening, before a high pitched scream was let out. It felt like everything in her hands was being crushed. Her bones, her nerves, blood vessels, tendons, everything. "L-let go of me!"

"Pretty useless without your hands...." The blue haired guy walked over, and grabbed her by her foreamrs. (Y/n) felt the fabiric of her hero costume start to break apart, and next was her skin, and then her mucles. "Maybe I should render you unable to use them ever again...or maybe..." He moved his other hand to the front of her neck. "Maybe I should just kill you right here and now..."

The skin started to diterierate, and (Y/n) was loosing a lot of blood. She could move her hands away, her foreamrs felt like they would snap like a pice of straw, while she was losing vital organs where her neck is. "L-let...me...go..."

"I don't think so...." The blue hiared guy just continued to break apart the girls forearms and her neck.

(Y/n)'s windpipes were starting to break, rendering the girl to be desperate for air. She panicked, and started to hperventaliate. She couldnt' take it, she just can't. "Is this what Pro Hero's have to go through? Is this the amount of pain that they endure every day? If this is what theri pain is every day....I don't want to be a Pro...."

"Let her go!" Aizawa cancled the males quirk, making (Y/n)'s windpipes barely crack. Any more, and she would have even more trouble breathing. "You're fight is with me! You will not harm my daughter!"

The blue haired male looked over to Aizawa, and let (Y/n) go. He was bored, since she had passed out.

The next thing Aizawa knew, that big large creature had gone after him.

At the end of everything, Aizawa, Thirteen, All Might, Deku, and (Y/n), all had to be immediently treated. Izuku and All Might went to Recovery Girl's room, since the students shouldn't know the secret.

"Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa and (Y/n) chan?" Tsu asked, hopping over to the detective to know what had happened to their friend and teacher.

"Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facul fracture," The doctor said from the other line. "Fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage. However, his orbital floor has been broken into small pieces, and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects."

"Now what about the girl?" The detective asked.

"She is still in surgery," The doctor said with a slightly grim voice. "She has fractures of the cartalage structures of the larynx and trachea. Air is escaping fom her neck and chest, and she's in respiratory compromise. The trachea is being repaired. Her right lung has collapsed, so we are treating it with a chest tube connected to suctoin. Lucikly her lung is re-expanding. The tendons, bones, blood vessels, and nevers have all been broken. Her forearms only lost skin, which is the only good news we have. She'll need the bones to be repositoined, and pinned to keep them together. "

"What about her side effects?" The Detective asked.

"She will suffer minor vocal chord wekaness, she'll get stitches on her forearms, and her hands..." The doctor sighed. "She might not be able to feel anything in her hands anymore. That would be the bright side to it. With how shattered her hands are, she might not be able to use them ever again."

Now that was heartbreaking news to the students. All of them relied on their nevers, their lungs, their blood, their hands, and their arms. It was all being stripped away from (Y/n) as easily as it is to take away a child's favorite toy.

"That's what he says," The Detective let out a small sigh. "The best side effect for her, would just be having vocal chord weakness and no feelings in her hands."

"Ribbit..." Tsu said grimly.

"No..." Mineta mumbles. For once, he was not being a perv.

"What about Thirteen?" Mina asked.

"Thirteen has been treated," The Detective answered her question. "The laceration fro the back to upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will surivive. All Might will also survive. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurses office."


"What about Midoriya!?" Iida questioned with Uraraka.

"Midori...?" The Detective questioned, before a small smile came to his face, and he adjusted his hat. "Oh, treatment in the nurses office is enough for him too."

It was the next day, and Aizawa rushed into his daughters room. He did not care for his own well being, quite obvious since all he was wearing was a patients smock. He took one look at his daughter, and saw a sight he never wished to see. His daughters hands were scarred, stiches upon stitches kept her skin together. It was obvious that there were metal pins inside her hands, keeping the movement of her fingers limited for healing. She had an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, wille there was a tube connected to her chest, keeping her right lung from collapsing. Her forearms were wrapped up like his. She was in a much worse state than she is.

"Mr. Aizawa! You must go back to bed!" Some of the nurses encouraged, trying to bring the father back to his own room. "You can visit your daughter when you're better!"

"Move me here!" Aizawa yelled. "Move me here with my daughter! She will need me when she wakes up!"

"But sir-"


"Right away." One of the nurses squesked, and ran off to the front desk and talk to the doctors and receptionists. The other nurses just stayed quiet, not wanting to piss of a man worried for his child.

Aizawa walked over to (Y/n) and rested his forehead on hers. "Oh (Y/n)...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry...." And that was all Aizawa could say for the rest of the day. He just kept apologizing, refusing to leave his duaghters side.

Aizawa was moved to the same room as his daughter. The school was closed that, giving Aizawa some time to rest, (Y/n) to recover, and the students to figure out what had happened.

But for (Y/n), her mind just kept bring up what had happened, and her last thoughts before she was unconsious. Does she really want to quit? Will she have to face this kind of pain agian? Will she have to watch her father suffer? But...isn't being a Pro Hero what she wanted? She needs more time to think...if she was going to give up on her dream with trauma, or continue with trauma....

The Pro's Daughter (Katuski Bakugou x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن