Chapter 17

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Finn PoV
I was seated in the front seat... and both of them were happily chitchatting in the back seat. And guess what they have a lot in common.

Yep.. that's what they have been discussing for what felt like an eternity. About their likes and dislikes.

It's not like they are discussing, one tells the other what they feel about something and the other person is like "omg... same" or "omg.. me too".

And then chad goes like "we are so alike" or like "we are the same person", same person??? Are you kidding me?

He is annoying and she is... just her. Obviously they are not same. She is so much more....  less annoying than he is."

Right.. that's it. They are degree of annoying is different. If I tell them that. They are gonna be like "oh... we both are annoying and we annoy the same person. Are we really two different individuals?" So, I decided to shut my mouth.

What was even more annoying is that I have known these two idiots more then they both knew each other. And I have not had this kind of conversation with either of them nor do we know about each other like they do now.

Oh really? You care about not having a conversation or not knowing about both the idiots. Or is there one particular idiot that you are concerned about. My inner sarcastic voice another annoying one couldn't shut it's mouth.

You know nothing. You better stop doing that. 

Stop what?

Giving statements when you know nothing. Why can't you just ask like a normal person.

Because I know it and I don't need to ask a dumbo like you. And can u stop this?

Stop what?

Having a conversation with yourself like a dumbo because you have no one to talk to and calling me... yourself abnormal. Go talk with them idiot.


"What's your favourite colour?" Chad asked.

"I like a lot of colours but more of neutrals.. especially black." She responded.

"Not again.." He said.

"Me too." I added in.

"Of course, just like your soul." How dare he? He started laughing and Clara joined in.

Great. How am I supposed to talk with these people without hurting my ego?

I let them continue their discussion. And thank god, if he is any where up there. We reached early.

And we got out of the car and were led to the special suite on the top floor.

The suit has a large living room, 3 bedrooms with connected washroom of course, and there was also a home theatre.

As soon as we entered. Chad jumped on to the couch with a sign. He tapped the spot beside him signalling Clara to sit. 

Is he not planning to leave any soon.

So, it was my time to get involved.

"Chad, shouldn't you get going. It's pretty late or should I say early." I asked looking at the clock, it's almost 4 in the morning.

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