Bela in Mahir's office

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Within an hour Vish was in Behir's home ...

Vish: What happened Bela ?? Why u called me so urgently??

Bela: Vish!! 😪😪

Tears were rolling from her eyes ....

Vish: what happened Bela??
Why are you crying??

Bela: Vish , Mahir is missing ...

Vish: what, how ??

Bela told her everything ...
And she showed her the footage which she took from Mahir's office ....

Vish: how this can be possible?? How Mahir and all other men disappeared all of a sudden ...

Bela: this is the reason ...why I called you here ...I think we should go to his office for investigation.....

Vish: ya let's go ....but I think we should change our that no one can identify us ....

Bela: but what's the need??

Vish: there is a possibility that someone must be keeping an eye on his office if it's  the case of a business one thing ...we will pretend that we are interested in investing in thier company ....we will give them an offer which they can't deny and when we will get the chance ...we can search for any proves....

Bela: that's a brilliant idea Vish ...

They changed their get up ...
They goes to Mahir's office  ....

Bela to receptionist..

Bela: Hello ....I am Bela Sharma ...I want to meet the CEO of your company Mahir Sehgal ...we have a deal of 100 crores for your company ...

Receptionist: I am so sorry Madam ....Mahir sir is not in the office ....he has taken an off for 1 month ....

Bela: what ???

She looked at Vish ...

Vish pointed at her to ask her further ...

Bela : 1 month ....?? He applied himself or ...

Receptionist: yes I myself saw him ....asking for leave from our boss ...

Bela : ok fine ...

BeVish comes out of the office ....

Vish: Bela , u asked that Mahir is kidnapped...but that girl is saying that he applied for the leave himself...

Bela: I don't know Vish what is happening?? But I can feel that Mahir is in problem ....

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