Chapter 11

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We play a few more games and I'm not feeling the best. I think the chat must have noticed because they are saying I'm acting off. To be honest I haven't stopped thinking about my encounter with Mason today. "I-I'm fine chat don't worry about me." I tell them but they don't seem assured.

Someone finally reports my body and I drink some more water to try and drown out the nauseous feeling.

Corpse: Katie?

Rae: who keeps killing Katie first? She hasn't been imposter at all and she's been killed first every game..

Poki: y'all are so mean..

I really don't feel good so I leave the game and then the discord call. "I'm going to end my stream here guys..goodnight.." I end it then walk to Corpses room. "Oh um guys Katie texted me. She said she's not feeling too well so she's going to call it a night." He tells everyone hiding the fact I'm with him.

"Aww well tell her we all hope she feels better soon.." Lud says. "Okay will do." He mutes himself. "Come here baby." Corpse opens his arms and I walk over to him holding my water bottle. He pulls me into his lap and I cuddle. "I'll be quiet.." I mumble. He unmutes himself. "Who are we voting for?" "Brooke." He vote for her and mute himself again.

"Where does it hurt?"  I point to my stomach and then my head. "Is it a virus? Or stress?" "I don't know..probably stress.." I say play with his hoodie strings. He holds me close to him and whispers to me to relax a little bit.

Eventually after about after 5 more games we finish up our last one and end our streams. Then we decide to stay on the call for a little bit.

Rae: I should go check on Katie I'll be back

Corpse: oh no it's okay she's here with me

Ludwig: what?

Poki: oh so Katie didn't really have anywhere to go so she lives with me, Rae, Sykkuno and Corpse.

Ludwig: that makes sense.

Corpse turns on his camera after adjusting his mask.

Corpse: see. I have a little baby here with me.

Katie cuddles closer to Corpse half asleep.

Brooke: awwww

Rae: she's too cute

Sykkuno gets a little jealous.

Poki: she looks adorableee

Corpse gets a strange feeling in his stomach when she's around. And he likes it. He brushes the hairs out of Katie's face.

Corpse: well I'm gonna hop off now to put her in bed. Goodnight guys.

They all reply goodnight and he brings me too my room placing me under the covers. "Goodnight baby." He says before lowering his mask to place a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight Corpse.." I mumble back and he goes back to his room.


Here's another double update for you all. I love you.

-Andy ☺️❤️

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