Chapter 2

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"People who boast about their IQ are losers." -Stephen Hawking

So some things to know before we continue further with the story, My name is Valentina Camille Phillips, I'm an only child, I was born in New York and moved to Florida when I was two, if you didn't figure it out already, I tried to kill myself on Saturday, and I'm a genius.

I was six when they called me into the office to give me an IQ test. Most kids walk in normal and walk out either normal, below normal, or smart. I walked out a genius. It could be argued that this doesn't have to change anything for you and that you can still have a normal, or at least semi-normal childhood. Not me though, after that life just wasn't the same.

Most people have the misconception that if you're a genius that means that you know basically everything or that someday you're going to be someone or do something important. That, unfortunately, isn't necessarily true. I guess in some ways, it just means I have a higher level of understanding, or something like that. I'm honestly not really sure, I mean I didn't get "A Geniuses Guide to Life" or anything like that. So like everyone else, I'm just figuring things out as I go. Honestly, I hate talking about my IQ and I don't really tell anybody about it. I just personally feel that it doesn't make me worth any more than any other human being. It doesn't mean that I'll end up doing anything with my life or that I'm better than anyone else because of it, that kind of thinking is just narcissistic and condescending. I'm a person, just like everybody else. But, as we all know, everyone is different, and I guess one of my distinguishable traits is that I am a genius. What I was told is that 1 out of 500,000 people have an IQ like mine. To some, they may think "yay! I'm special!" but, in reality it's just really lonely. Most of the time I want to talk about things that are important to me that aren't important to other people, or I'm talking about something and people don't get it so I kind of just shut up and listen to them talk. Most of the time I just feel out of place. It's not always easy, but I guess that's life. 

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