"Lemme introduce myself, hello gorgeous, my name is Xa'vvyon. I'm D'Nyah's boyfriend. It is nice to meet you." He shook the lady's hand.

"Boyyy if youn back up foe I do some things to you you better." She laughed shaking his hand.

"Grandma take yo fast ass on. Where papa at ?" D'Nyah looked around.

"In the house. Charles !!!" She yelled for i'm guessing her husband. "What hoe !!" he yelled back making me and Raivyn instantly laugh as Xay stood there holding his laugh in.

"Brang ya ass outside bitch ya granddaughta wanna see you." She yelled back.

these folks is hilariousss.

"Why the hell she standing outside anyways ? Specially when it's cold . She get det dumb shit framma daddy." He yelled making everybody but D'Nyah laugh as we walked in the house.

"He not even funny."

"Papa these my friends and that's my boyfriend. They can introduce they self cus I gotta piss."

Everybody stood there in silence as the man stared at us.

"Well since they can't talk, i'm her brother from another Tai." I nodded to the man.

"Wassup youngster. Who these fine sexy young lady's be ?" He smirked at Ashante and Raivyn making them smirk.

"Charles don't make me beatchass in front of these churn." The granny mugged him as my phone vibrated.

"Berenda shut the fuck up." Charles walked away.

Mentally Unstable Bubble Guppies 🤕🤍

Raivyn 💕 nigga giving very much sugar daddy vibes. 🌚

One person loved "nigga giving very much sugar daddy vibes. 🌚"

Tai 💙 ashante ionk wtf you liking that message for like i won't choke you in front of these people.

Dumbass Sister 🤕 you not gon do shit to her .


Xay 🪨 dont say that ever again.

"Y'all can go get settled in y'all rooms." The grandma shooed us off.

"Oh yeah and don't worry if you here something down here that sounds like ruckus. Either i'm getting my ass whooped or Berenda old ass getting ha back blown out." Charles walked away making us laugh hard.

We walked up the stairs and saw 2 bedrooms on the left, and 3 bedrooms on the right. Me and Ashante went in the one on the left and Xay did too, Raivyn lonley ass went to the one on the right.

"I'm finna take a nap. I'm tired." Ashante said taking her shoes, pants and shirt off leaving her in some ethikas and a sports bra.

"We just got here, but shit I am too. Come lay down." I laid on the bed and almost went to sleep right then.

"This shit comfortable as fuck." Ashante mumbled as we went to sleep.


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