Chapter 7

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Sweat drips from my brow as I continue to work through the exercises that Kyla instructs us through. She's been forcing us through endurance training. I think she meant to say torture. We haven't even begun on weapons training, yet somehow, she's found two hours worth of exercises for us to do.

"Are we done yet?" I ask through ragged breaths, "I'm so tired." 

Kyla sends an annoyed look over my way.

"Fine. We can be done, but this will be a daily routine, we need to build up your stamina if you're going to make it much longer. We can start on weapons after lunch."

"Yes!" Raegan eagerly drops from her plank stance and lays on the floor like a ragdoll as I pick up my water bottle and chug it, "My whole body is crying."

Kyla looks between the two of us, a look of bewilderment and amusement etched on her face, "Have you two never exercised before?"

"Oh, I have plenty of experience with marathons," I say, having finally set the water down, "I can marathon an entire season in one weekend. It's a true talent."

Kyla only rolls her eyes before walking out of the room. I look at Raegan to see if she has any reaction to Kyla's stoic behavior, "Do you think she's always that grumpy?"

"Maybe she thinks you're as annoying as I do," Raegan says with a giggle, which is only met with a playful punch on the arm, "Ow! That hurt!"

"No it didn't, you baby," Raegan glares at me with a pout, I throw her a sly grin but my mind wanders back to the strange warrior that somehow found her way to us. My mind races with a million questions and I decide to follow Kyla out of the room, unable to contain my curiosity. I find her back in the kitchen, filling a glass with water from one of the jugs she had stored. She barely glances over her shoulder at my entrance, only giving me a curt nod to acknowledge my presence. Unsure of where to begin, I shift on my feet, trying to decide if I should just turn back around while I can, but before I can, Kyla turns to look at me, her face unreadable, per usual. Awkwardly, I clear my throat and ask, "So, since it appears we'll be spending some time together, we should probably get to know each other. What can you tell me about yourself?"

"What do you want to know?" She asks coolly, leaning against the counter, softly placing her glass on the counter behind her.

"Well, for starters, how do you know how to fight so well? How'd you survive all this time? What brought you to the States?" The questions slip from my mouth before I can stop them and I snap my mouth shut before I can ask a dozen more. I gently add, "You know, things like that."

"Always the inquisitor," Kyla says with a shake of her head, though a smile plays at her lips, "Very well, then. I had a strange fascination with ancient weaponry as a child, my parents were hesitant but they let me take lessons. Once I was old enough, I ended up joining the military. After four tours overseas, I was honorably discharged due to near-fatal injuries. I survived all of this the same way you have, a little bit of intuition mixed with a hell of a lot of luck. As for why I'm in the States, I came here for a fresh start before this whole circus took over the world, so nothing too exciting."

"Wow, I think that's the most you've talked since I've met you," Kyla let out a huff of laughter, a pleasant sound inside these dim walls. The sound brought a smile to my lips as I looked back up at her, "I would definitely call all of that exciting though. Whatever the reasoning, I'm glad you found me. Raegan and I would be dead without you."

Kyla smirked in reply and ducked her head, but not before I saw a hint of color tinge her cheeks. When she looked back up, the color was gone but the grin remained, "I suppose we all have people to thank for where we are today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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