As the tall student reached the office door, he was someone already waiting outside. It was the guy he had met in his English class. Kim Hongjoong, same age, worked part-time in the Cafe down the street and once a week washed the dishes in the restaurant two blocks from their school. He was chasing his dream to become a musician, went to auditions and missed classes a lot because of it. They had to clean the school after classes as a punishment.

It wasn't that Seonghwa had stalked the other, no. They just happened to cross paths a lot. But Hongjoong wouldn't recognize Seonghwa outside school, the younger was mostly busy with work. So, he had never noticed that Seonghwa would come sit in the Cafe he worked in.

"Kim, why you here?" Seonghwa asked and knitted his brows, looking all tough with his bleeding lip and undone uniform.

Hongjoong's eyes widened when he saw Seonghwa. "I-I ? Uhm... Too many missing classes... Getting my detention paper" he said and looked at the older with worry in his eyes. "Sh-Should I get a ice pack for your eye? Looks bad, man" Hongjoong added, tried to sound just as tough as the older did. But that wasn't him. He got shy around Seonghwa, he intimidated him. The older was tall, had a handsome face and was a straight-A student. And at the same time he had all the others on their knees for him as the school's bad boy and leader of the school's band. Everything about him just screamed 'main character'.

"Nah, it's fine. Will be down by tomorrow" Seonghwa replied and knocked at the door of the office. He spared Hongjoong a side glance, smirked at him kneeding his hands nervously. Just seconds later he got invited into the office.

The secretary, Mrs. Jung, looked Seonghwa up and down in disappointment. "Again?" she asked and the student just shrugged his shoulders. "Ah Seonghwa, I hate filling your reports" she said and typed something on her computer.

"You could just give me the detention paper and not document anything though" Seonghwa suggested with a grin, earned a chuckle of the middle aged woman in response.

"I could, I could..." she said and looked up, winked at the student. "Here, just take this and go... Ah ! And give this to Kim Hongjoong, he should be waiting outside" she added and extended two sheets at him.

Seonghwa nodded and bowed politely before leaving, thanking the secretary for her generosity. He closed the door behind him and eyes the two sheets in his hand. "Here" he gave the one with Hongjoong's name on it over to the other. "... See you on Friday after school"


"You're late, Park" Mr. Seo marked as the student entered the detention room twenty minutes late.

"Got lost on the way" Seonghwa shrugged and sat down. His eyes went over the room; it was empty except for him, the old hag, and Hongjoong who was deep buried in sheets of work. From the distance it looked like math, could be chemistry too. Unlike Hongjoong, Seonghwa didn't have any work he had to catch on, so he sat there for nothing. "You see, Sir, we could just call it a day. I'm sure you have plans on a Friday evening, plans with your wife and kids... Maybe a significant other?" Seonghwa tried after ten minutes of doing nothing. The teacher who had to watch them did look annoyed and whipped on his seat.

"I heard about you, Park Seonghwa. You like sweet-talking your authorities into your favor. But not me, Park. Not me" the older man promised and fixed his eyes on the student who just sat back and shook his head with a devilish smirk.

"Ah, I just thought I could give it a shot, Sir" he replied and leaned his head back, counted back from ten to zero. And at the exact time he hit zero, the lights went out and the alarm started. "It's Friday evening, Sir, there is no-one else in the building... Looks like you have to check what's wrong?"

Mr. Seo looked at the black haired student with disbelief. He was sure this was the devils work. The man cursed under his breath as he stood up and left the room to check on what had released the alarm and shut down the lights.

The second the two students were left alone, Seonghwa turned to Hongjoong who kept working on his sheets unfazed. "Yah" he said, drawing the younger attention to him "Wanna run away?"


"Run away, break out, go home- the old hag won't come back anyway"

"But we can't-"

"Oh hell yeah we can, come on" Seonghwa grabbed the younger's stuff, put them in his backpack and dragged him out by his hand. "I want to show you something"


"Woah..." Hongjoong breathed out as he looked at the city lights from the rooftop of their school building. The sun had been down long ago, lights were now illuminating the streets. "it looks beautiful" he said and looked to his side where Seonghwa sat.

"Yeah?" Seonghwa hummed and kept his eyes on the lights. He took off his jacket and laid it on the ground, laying in it himself. "Then you will like this too" he commented and pointed at the sky. First Hongjoong didn't understand, then he laid next to Seonghwa and looked up. It took a couple seconds for his eyes to get adjusted, then they spotted uncountable little shining dots on the black night sky. "Cool, huh?" Seonghwa marked by softly chuckling. He turned his face to the other, capturing a pure moment of amazement in his face.

Hongjoong looked to his side, crossed Seonghwa's eyes that were already on him. For the first he had the confidence and smiled, wide and bright. "Thank you for sharing this with me" he said. For just a moment Hongjoong believe he had seen Seonghwa get flushed cheeks. But he threw away that idea fast as his mind was busy with something else. "What a coincidence" he said and looked into Seonghwa's eyes, which seemed like they held all these stars in the stay in them. "that you are the brightest star tonight"

Hey! How are you?

Here is a little Seongjoong during hs😌 hope you liked it


I feel like I'm only complaining about school lol I am tho shit is like the only thing I do- 💀😭 someone gimme back my life omg

Mhmmm well my best friend got a man now and sis is lonely now✨ istg lieeess lieeess I knew she would chase that d when it came around😂
I love how she had a talk with him on how she's used to get her ass spanked and bitten in general and can't take it in a sexual way because I do it to her as her friend jenebnwksidtai man literally asked if I happen to have a crush on her bwahaha like no bro, that ass is just mine like, I've been there for years. I don't know if you're worth there chubby cheeks✨

Mhmmm gonna get myself instand noodles now😗✌️✨ cause sis forgets to eat and eats at like 12pm💀


Please stay healthy and safe!


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