Chapter 41

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"What are you doing?" Felix asked Clover from across the desk, watching her with a careful eye as she scribbled down her Divination homework on a piece of parchment. Professor Trelawney assigned Clover's class homework in which they have to predict their lives for the upcoming month. Of course, using the class textbook and following the instructions stated in by the professor.

"Doing my homework...obviously" Clover said, not bothering to look up from her work. Felix raised a brow in suspicion, leaning over the desk to get a better look at Clover's parchment. He furrowed his eyebrows, as he read the work out loud.

"On Monday, I will be in danger of...really, Clover? Being attacked by a Vampire because of Mercury? For Merlin's sake" Felix rubbed his forehead in frustration, before continuing to read. "On Tuesday, I'll be in danger of sudden death because Venus is in the twelfth house...Clover, you're making this stuff up. You don't even have the astrology chart with you. Do you think Professor Trelawney will be dumb enough to believe such dramatic predictions?" He asked, plumping back down on his chair. Clover rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"It's all about broadening your mind, my dear, and allow your eyes to see past the mundane!" Clover mocked Professor Trelawney's voice as she swayed her hands dramatically. Felix rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by Clover's lack of interest in her grades.

I would've laughed at Clover's impression of Trelawney, which was rather accurate, if I wasn't in such a bad mood. All I can think about is Draco, along with every single word he said before storming down the corridor earlier today.

"Just leave me alone, alright? You've done enough" His hateful voice echoed inside my head.

It's been about four hours after Malfoy and Blaise fought back in the corridor, and I haven't heard from Draco since. Felix and Clover wanted to get some homework done before dinner, and so the three of us decided to come to the library for a bit. I'd expect for Draco to have reached out to me by now, especially after what he said to me in the heat of the moment. But no, he hasn't said a word, nor have I seen him anywhere. Which if I'm being honest, pisses me off quite a lot. How can he practically blame me for a fight I had no idea was even happening and then storm off without giving me the slightest explanation as to why? It's been four hours! He's had plenty of time to calm down, and yet he's chosen to leave me to my thoughts, which are practically killing me inside trying to figure out a scenario where the fight could've been my fault.

I rested my head on my hand, staring off into nothingness as Clover and Felix argued beside me.

"You're so damn lazy, Clover" Felix barked, making Clover scoff.

"I'm not! And my homework is my problem, so bugger off!" Clover answered, clearly offended.

"Fine, I couldn't care less about your stupid Divination grade, anyways. Fail the whole class for all I care, but don't throw a fit when you do because I swear-"

"I do not throw fits! You're the one sticking your nose into my business-"

"You don't throw fits? Please! You're the most dramatic cry baby I've ever-"

"Shut the fuck up, Felix. Honestly!"

"You did not just-"

My worries were enough to drown out their voices, but a spontaneous peaceful silence brought me back down to earth. I glanced over to them, confused as to what had finally shut their mouths, only to see the both of them glancing up towards the ceiling. I followed their gaze, watching as a dark brown owl hovered over our desk, dropping a white envelope in between the two siblings, before flying away.

I had a bit of trouble remembering where I had seen that specific owl before, but once I noticed Felix's colorless face as he gazed down at the envelope in horror, I instantly remembered. That was the same owl Felix had seen the day the Hippogriff pushed me off it's back, the one that made him drop the bucket on top of his own foot.

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