TWENTY FIVE: Birthday Preparations

Start from the beginning

He wanted me to leave with him?

Did I want to leave with him?

Did I want to reject Caleb?

"Eric I don't know... I don't think I could ever feel that way about you, I see you as more of a brother..." I replied back, hanging my head low and taking my hands out of his hold.

His head dropped slightly and he let out a loud sigh.

"You are utterly beautiful and I just want to see you happy." He added with a slight pout.

"I don't think running away from my problems and my family is going to make me very happy..." he frowned slightly "but, if this all becomes to much for me and I am in need of your company... I know where to find you!" I smiled softly, trying to lift the mood.

His lips softly rose for a moment before he let out a sigh.

"You can come and find me whenever you need!" Eric scooped me up in a big hug.

I couldn't help but feel like I was at fault for Eric leaving so suddenly.

"Take care of yourself, Mr. brown eyes." We both chuckled and let go of our embrace.

"You need to take care of yourself, pretty little lady." Eric tapped my nose with his finger and started to make his way out of the house.

"I will." I whispered softly as Eric shifted and disappeared into the forest.

And I will.

I'm trying to really focus on taking care of myself and doing what I can to put myself first.

I smiled softly and made my way to my room, passing by the rooms that used to hold my family.

My family left a few days ago now, promising that they would be visiting again soon.

I smiled at the thought of how happy they were here, I'm glad they wanted to return.

I found my little sanctuary and headed for the bathroom to shower and prep for the day ahead... and I wish I knew just how insane the day was going to be...

"Miss Sophia!" Little Mary jogged over to me as Stacey chatted to her mate, Hayden. Both of them keeping a close eye on there daughter.

"Hey little bug!" I smiled brightly as I scooped her up and gave her a big hug.

"I lost another tooth!" She proudly cheered as she put both feet on the ground and dug through her pocket.

"Look, isn't it so cool!" She shoved her hand up as high as she could to give me a better look, "there's still blood on it!" She giggled and brought the small tooth back down to examine it herself.

"That's awesome bug, give me a smile!" I knelt down to her level and she dramatically grinned.

I could see a small gap where her little tooth used to be and giggled softly.

"Oh it was a canine, cool!" I poked her belly softly and she started to giggle.

"Yeah! Daddy said my big girl canines will grow soon!" She jumped up and down excitedly.

I smiled at her and gazed up to her parents.

Stacey had a very frustrated look and Hayden seemed to be angry as well.

"Hey do you want to come with me to the kitchen? I'm craving some cookies." I asked her and watched as her face lit up and she squealed "yes please" over and over.

"Hey mummy, daddy, I'm going to the kitchen with Miss Sophia!" She called out, not even glancing at her parents as she grabbed my hand and made her way to the pack house.

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