Chapter 5/ Annoying Self

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Bella's POV

How can a person that I have just  met have such an effect on me. I have never been shy around boys yet here I am shyly introducing myself to him. How embarrassing.

He took a seat next to his father and the awkward moment was soon forgotten as people resumed to eating dinner. As I took discrete glances at him, I realised that he looked like his father.

The dinner was over in no time and Grace wanted her son and some of his friends to show me around. She turned to her son to ask him but he was smiling to himself. His smile took my breath away. Aarggggh! What am I even thinking.

Soon we were walking through the house with Emmy, Arnold, Joe and the annoying Lydia who was clinging on Joe's hand.

I ignored them and soon we were at the swimming pool, where most of the young people hung around.

I realised that the house was big and divided into 5 floors, the 1st floor being the sitting area, pool, dinning room and kitchen and TV and playroom for the young ones. 2nd floor was old peoples rooms, 3rd floor was for the married couple, 4th floor for the youth and 5th floor was home to their leader and son.

I was confused why many people decided to live in one place but Joe explained that it was their tradition, but if anyone wanted to move away and build a house somewhere,  they were allowed.

The swimming pool was magnificent and young people whom I assumed were on collage were swimming and splashing water. 

They had stopped to stare and particularly stared at me which made me uncomfortable. A boy in red shorts came out of the water and stood in front of me. "Hi, am Michael" He said with a dazzling smile. " I smiled  back at him and extend my hand to great him but immediately my hand was pulled back and pleasurably warmth came all over my body that made me gasp.

Joe was holding my hand tightly and glaring at Michael. It seems they were having an internal conversation and Michael was giving him a wicked smile which made Joe to tighten his hand on mine.  The pleasure was gone and I started feeling pain which snapped me to reality.

I wiggled my hand from his which made him to look at me. " You are hurting me" I said with a pointed look. He immediately removed his hand from my wrist and snapped his eyes to my hand.

I knew that area will be sore and I was rubbing to ease the pain. When I looked back at him, his face expressed pain and hurt but immediately he schooled his expression and turned and left .

What was all that about. And it was as if I was feeling his pain.

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