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"What type of title is that" asked everyone

"Well in this Universe, Izuku is the number 1 hero of-" T.W started to talk only to be interupted by an angry pomeranian


"LET ME EXPLAIN GOD DAMMIT" "Now as I was saying before I got interupted he is the number 1 hero of America and he has ansestors who where heros even before quirks exsisted"

"Excuse me but how can someone be a hero even before quirks were a thing" said Iida with his arms frailing up and down

"Let me explain, now the first spiderman got his powers with a radioactive spider which bit him changing his D.N.A giving him powers, which passed on generations getting stronger kinda like a power that some people know about"

'Wait he knows about One for All' everyone who knew about the secret thought

"Now lets continue"

As the scene start off with some reporters broadcasting news

"It seems to appear the heroine in training Uravity and a little girl with silver hair are trapped up above a unfinished building with only black webs are able to support the car

"Oh dear" said Inko

"Please don't tell me the little girl is Eri" Deku said

As it show a taxi with Uraraka and Eri in it

The heros have tried everything but each time they get close a spiderman villain comes out and attacks them leaving the heros very injured along with a villain with a sand quirk is making it very hard to rescue the two girls, with the villain saying that he wants spiderman to come out

As the scene cut to class 1-A with Kota along with them

"Kota come on lets go"


"Wait why is Kota following Midoriya" said Mandalay

"Just watch"

As the duo go inside Deku's room they go to the middle of the room as the room turns blue as they are being scan as two suits are coming out from the floor one suit being black and red while the other one is a small white and black suit

"Don't tell me he-""Yup"

As the scene changes to Ururaka who has her hands tied up and Eri in the taxi, the taxi starts to fall as some of the webs ripped off resulting in them screaming

"Oh dear I hope you get rescued sweetie" her mother said

"Don't worry I'm sure Deku-kun is coming"

"Ya Daddy is strong"

On the ground there is top pro heros along with civilians and news reporters are all in fear due to them not being able to do anything as a little girl looks to the side as she points up and says, "look" as everyone turns around to see Deku and Kota dressed up in their hero suits as they are swinging people start to clap and cheer as they start to chant "Spiderman" over and over as Deku gets covered in green electricity as they both use a flag pole to reach up to the top

"Izuku they are going to kill you"

"Calm down Ochako we're going to get you out of here"

"Look out"

As a black figure comes swinging out of knowwhere kick Deku in the face destroying the hood of the taxi with only his fingertips being able to grab hold of the taxi

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