Mando sighed dramatically. "Oh what the hell, come on," he called exhaustedly and he led the way down the ramp. He wasn't sure what to expect on this planet, but he was fairly sure he could handle protecting his two charges from a few farmers.

Yara and Mando walked slowly enough through the woods so the kid could keep up. His tiny steps requiring five for every one of Yara's. He giggled and chattered happily as he hopped from a log onto the soft mossy forest floor. He paused to watch a few butterflies go past. Yara slowed to wait for him as he picked up a small shiny rock. He toddled up to her and held it out chattering away.

"Do you understand him?" Mando asked from over her shoulder.

Yara turned and had to crane her neck to look up at the Mandalorian. "No, I think it's just gibberish. Like a human toddler would do before they learn to speak."

Mando nodded but that was the only indication he had heard her. He waited for them to finish and then ushered them ahead. He moved effortlessly from leading to following to keep them together. He was guarding them, Yara realized quickly and for some reason it made something in her chest tighten. This incredibly intense warrior was being so careful of them as the child sniffed a purple flower.

When they came into town they looked around. Calling it a town was a bit of a stretch it was more like a farming village. There wasn't much. A couple of open air market stalls stood in the center of a dozen buildings that all surrounded a public house.

Mando took it all in. Despite his tension he couldn't see any actual danger. It seemed it was just as quiet if a village as it appeared. He was also painfully aware of how much Yara was going to stand out here in her Imperial jumpsuit.

He reached into his satchel and pulled out a bag of credits. "Here," he said and when Yara turned to face him he dumped a generous pile into her hands.

Yara's eyes widened. It was an outrageous amount of credits for anyone to just be carrying on their person. Given how sparse his ship was, she hadn't expected him to have so much. She remembered him saying he was a bounty hunter. He must have been a great one.

"Take this over there and get yourself something to wear," Mando said motioning to an older lady selling clothing at one of the open air stalls.

Yara laughed. "Don't like the just broke out of prison look?" she asked, pulling at the baggy white jumpsuit.

"It stands out, you need to blend in," Mando intoned.

Yara scoffed. "Says the guy wearing the shiny new Beskar suit."

Mando turned his helmet to her and she could have sworn she heard him chuckle through the modulator, but quickly dismissed the thought. He wore his stoicism as tightly as he wore his armor. "We'll meet you there," he said pointing at the thatched, dome building that was the public house, his voice stern once more.

Yara slid the credits into her pocket and did as he suggested. Although the offer was generous, she hadn't missed the fact that it had been an order. He did that, she found, would simply issue an order and assume everyone around him would obey. It was clear that although he was alone, when he was around people he was used to being in charge. It made her wonder even more about the mysterious man beneath the legendary armor.

While it was in Yara's nature to push back when she was being ordered about, if she was honest it would be a relief to get out of the Imperial clothing. It didn't take long. She wasn't picky and there were only so many options in her size. Most of the items here were leather or earth spun fabrics.

She found a pair of brown leather pants that laced up the sides so they would fit. A pair of black work boots that she only laced up to her ankles, and let the top couple inches slouch. She dug through the piles of clothes and found a dark teal one shouldered crop top. It left a wide swath of her stomach exposed so she also bought a jacket to match her pants and a shirt to wear under it to keep for later if the weather on this planet ever turned cold.

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