I walk towards him quietly and tap him on his shoulder. It obviously startled him because he jumped a little from my sudden touch.

I sit right beside him on the bed.

"What're you doing here?" he asks coldly with no emotion in his voice.

"To tell you that we are going Christmas shopping and I'm not taking 'no' as an answer," I state firmly.

"I'm not going."

"Yes you are."

"I said I'm not going," he says louder.

"Why not? Daniel, I know something's up. I'm right here if you want to talk anytime," I blurt out.


After a moment of awfully uncomfortable silence, I break the silence.

"C'mon," I say as I grab his wrist and attempt to pull him off the bed and to the closet assuming that he already unpacked.

Thomas didn't have much of his clothes here and his stuff too. He either sold them or brought it with him. He only left a few pieces of clothing behind, but that's all.

I failed on the attempt of getting him off since he stayed in place and refused to get off.

I couldn't pull him off, but the next thing I said definitely got him off the bed.

"Either you get your ass off the bed now or have your ears ripped off from my very annoying begging. And I will do it all day long up until your ass is off the bed and on the car going to home depot to go get the damn tree and decorations!" I yell angrily.

Just needed to fake my anger so he can get scared a bit which worked successfully.

I'm so glad I got these scary genes from my mom.

When he got off the bed and mumbled a "fine you persuasive son of a gun," a huge grin is plastered on my face.

"Good, now be ready in 30. You better take a shower because you smell like dirty socks that haven't been washed for ages," I say as I walk out the room and shut the door. But before shutting the door completely, I say "Oh, and I'm not a persuasive son of a gun. I'm a persuasive daughter of the devil," and I hear a quiet chuckle come from his mouth.

Hey, at least he kinda smiled? Ish. But at least that's something other than a frown or straight face. Progress.


"LAST CHRISTMAS I GAVE YOU MY HEART BUT THE VERY NEXT DAY YOU GAVE IT AWAYYY" Amanda, Johnny, and I yell-sang filling the whole car with our loud voices and my christmas playlist songs.

I took my car and my mom took hers for the shopping.

My mom was not on-call for now, so she had time to shop with us. I am actually really surprised that she had enough energy to actually come with us. I thought she would be tired since she came from work like less than 10 hours ago.

I practically had to beg my mom to let me drive my car because I really wanted to and she had finally gave in after a whole 15 minutes of trying to convince her.

Daniel, Johnny, and Amanda ended up riding with me because my mom said that the 'adults' wanted to have 'adult time'.

Daniel was in the passenger seat while the two kiddos were in the back with their carseats. While we were singing our voices off, Daniel was covering his ears from our loud singing.

"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT YOUR MOUTHS, YOU'RE BREAKING MY EAR DRUMS!" Daniel yelled trying to talk over our singing.

"NO! C'MON HAVE FUN SINGING WITH US PARTY POOPER!" I yelled over the music and voices singing.

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