".... You should of told me that!"

"It slipped my mind, sorry."

"Geez, getting old Russia?"

"Not at all!"

Canada giggled a bit, "That's what France says and we all know he's up there in age."

"Don't compare me to France, he's the last person I want to be compared to."

"You know, you're gonna be seeing him at the meeting, and you'll be staying in his country."

"Please don't remind me."

"You'll have to get used to it."

Russia looked at him. "Matvey, I have been to France so many times... I will never get used to it." Canada smiled a bit.

"Hey Russia,"


"Your sister has a very smart idea, and I'm gonna copy her. Good night." Canada yawned and relaxed in the seat with Russia sitting there.

"I might follow that idea too..." Russia said. By the time he could say anything else, Canada was out. Russia laid his head against the window and closed his eyes, hopefully there would be no nightmares with the two other nations in the compartment, especially with Canada there.

He woke up to the smell of tea, and maple. He slowly opened his eyes to the window, seeing the surroundings move on by. He moved around a bit and looked over to see what the other two were doing; Ukraine and Canada were talking, Ukraine drank a small cup of tea she must of bought as Canada and Kumajirou shared maple candies, they were both wide awake now. Russia slowly lifted his hands and rubbed his eyes to get used to the new bright light, he must of slept a long time. "Russia!" Canada smiled at him. Russia lifted his head up and sat up.


"Good afternoon." Ukraine smiled. Russia blinked.

"Afternoon? It's afternoon already?"

"Yeah you slept a long time, we didn't want to wake you." Canada said. "You needed sleep eh?"

"Da I guess so." Russia said. "What's with the tea Ukraine?"

"I got a little thirsty, we got some Vodka for you." Russia popped up from his sleepiness and smiled.

"Well where is it?" He looked around.

"I drank it." Canada joked.

Russia frowned but then went back to smiling. "If you drank it, you would be running up and down this train like a crazy drunk." Canada pouted a bit.

"I don't get that drunk!" Canada protested. Both Russia and Ukraine gave him a look, yes you really do get that drunk. Canada pouted more. "Blame. England."

"I blame you." Russia said.

"South Park says to always blame Cananada!" Kumajirou popped up and yelled. Canada quickly grabbed him and gave the bear a look.

"South Park?" Russia questioned.

"It's a show in America, I don't recommend watching it." Canada explained.

"But you liked it until that song came out." Kumajirou started to climb up Canada's arm and shoulder.

"Oh shut it." Canada grabbed him and put him on his lap instead.

"So what song is this?" Russia asked.

"It's a stupid song saying Blame Canada after some stuff goes on," Canada sighed. "Now whenever I mess up on something, Al starts singing it as loud as he possibly can." Russia smirked at him, laughing a bit on the inside. "Don't laugh at it!"

RusCan: Snowy RelationshipsWhere stories live. Discover now