Chapter 5.

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It was getting darker. A hour ago we all decided to make a fire. Niall and Zayn, two other boys from the group, were searching for wood and we made some comfortable seats.

After we waited 15 minutes, Niall and Zayn came back. Louis who was very smart, put the fire on.
I decided to sit down next to Louis. Louis looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and without even thinking i let my head lean on Louis shoulder.
He put his arm around me, which made me shiver.
"Are you cold?", Louis asked me. "A little" I smiled and put my arms around his waist.
I looked at Liz who was sitting in the same position with Liam. Even it's dark, i saw the sprinkles in her eyes.
And even i know this is the first day i met Louis, i feel completely comfortable with Louis. The other boys were very nice too and they can make me laugh very hard.

It was already after midnight and i was getting very tired. I moved a bit and Louis looked at me. "Are you okay?", He asked me. "I'm okay, just a little bit tired." "I'll bring you to your hotel room.", He said. I was too tired to contradict him. He stood up and he lifted me up, to carry me to his car. The last thing i heard was Louis closing the door and starting the motor of the car.

The next morning i woke up and got up in bed. I looked around and saw i was in our hotel room. A flashback crossed my mind about yesterday.
How could i've been so stupid? I didn't know Louis. He has could been a kidnapper and i letted him drive me to the hotel. He could have brought me to a weird place.

I looked around me another time. I saw Liz lying in bed, asleep. I was glad she came 'home' safe.

The next hour i was playing a dum game on my iPhone. I didn't knew what to do, so i played flappy bird. I saved that game before it got deleted.
"Good morning" i heard. "Morning" i looked over at Liz and i saw she looked very tired. "Did you sleep well?", I asked. "Yeah."
"So last night was fun right? Such a strange idea Liam is at the same time here in Italy, with our waiter Louis.", I said and got up. "I know. I was very surprised to see Liam here, and we got very close last night. You and Louis too by the way. God, you only know him for one day and you already cuddle up with him." "Yeah i wasn't thinking straight.", I said and looked down. A little blush came on my cheeks. "So you like Louis, huh?" I mumbled a bit. " I think so and i got his number." "His number?! What?! Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged on. "I thought it wasn't important." "of course this is important!" She almost screamed. "Calm down a bit will you?" I said. "I'm sorry, but i just don't understand! You should have called him directly."

Locked in Love - Louis Tomlinson.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu