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Thor: The Dark World Trailer

"A dark world?" Weiss asked as Bill nodded.

"Ooh, horror?" Cinder asked excitedly.

Bill laughed "No."

Cinder frowned while her gang held in giggles and chuckles.

"Then is it something," Ruby said with a gulp "Scary?"

"Not at all," Bill replied "You'll enjoy it actually."

"Then what are ya waiting for!? Play it man!" Nora exclaimed as Bill rolled his eye and teleported back to his seat then started the trailer.

Large iron doors were shown opening as Nora walked down the steps.

"After all this time, now you've come to visit me sister." Roman said as Nora was shown entering a room with large rooms with orange force fields that kept people in "Why? To mock?"

Nora started smiling with a small squeal and the other grew excited as they started recognizing what universe this was.

"Oh no..." Robyn said as she remembered what her other self was doing in this universe.

"I need your help." Nora said as Roman was shown standing at the center of his cell and using his magic to slam all the furniture to the walls "But I wish I could trust you."

"If you did, you'd be the fool I always took you for." Roman stated as he turned to look at her.

"NORA!!" Nora exclaimed as she cheered.

"The Goddess of thunder and lightning has returned!" Yang exclaimed with a bow.

"Now we get to see what she was up to." Ruby said.

"Yeah, while you dealt with trauma and another person trying to kill you." Weiss said.

"It's not my fault everyone wants a piece of me." Ruby defended.

"So I'm guessing your plan didn't work." Qrow said as he looked at Roman.

"Considering the fact that I'm in some kind of cell then yeah, I totally lost." Roman said with a disappointed shake of his head.

"Can't blame ya, you were up against a whole team of super powered freaks." Junior said.

"Look on the bright side, your sister's gonna break you out, I think." Mercury said.


"Some believe that before the universe, there was nothing." Lionheart stated as mountains were shown then a city was shown with Robyn leaning on a pillar and looking up to the sky "They're wrong."

"Hey look its Nora's girlfriend!" Jaune exclaimed as Nora blushed and Robyn face palmed while Ren's eye started twitching.

Nora coughed shyly "O-oh yeah, that's a thing...."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were also part of the list of the most awkward relationships ever." Qrow said.

"Who else is on the list?" Taiyang asked.

"Arc and Glynds." Qrow stated as Glynda spat out her drink at the reminder of that.

"There was darkness." Lionheart continued as a large mechanical pillar travelled from the ocean and started tearing through the city "And it has survived."

'And light, can't forget the other bastard too now.' Salem thought as she grits her teeth and her red eyes glowed in anger briefly.

"What's gonna happen?" Robyn asked as Nora was shown flying and landing with Mjolnir in hand.

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