His voice snapped me out of my thoughts once again.
"I kinda suit them," grins Phil.
He was looking weird and different already. But this tingle in my stomach was telling me that I liked it.
"I don't know, it's weird...No I think your personality is too adorable for it."


Why did I just say that? I wanted facepalm for even saying that, but obviously didn't.
I know I'm not very good at hiding my feelings.

A few years ago when the fans started getting suspicious, I was real good at hiding my feelings and ignoring Tumblr blogs and Phanfictions. But, I don't know about now. Me and Phil have been friends for what seems like ever and everyday I'm with him it gets more difficult to hide feelings and push thoughts aside.

Then Phil began to place a fake ring in his nose.
I smiled warmly and watched.
And Phil being Phil, put it in wrong way so I laughed while helping him fix it.

When it was my turn I went for a septum piercing, snake bites and an upper ear pierce. Phil's hand was touching my face and I tried hard not to blush at the tingle of his fingers.
Next was the arm tattoos.

Phil had packages of tattoos in plastic, so we picked the ones we wanted and slid them onto our arms.
"This must be what putting tights on feels like if you had legs where your arms are," said Phil concentrating on sliding the sleeves up.
I chuckle at his statement.
"What does that even mean? What did you just say?" I laughed in confusion.

I knew Phil was just being his normal self with his funny remarks that make no sense, along with his random animal facts. But that's another thing I loved so much about Phil.
He's 27 and acts like a 7 year-old.

Soon, I was applying a large dragon tattoo to the side of Phil's neck with a wet sponge. This gave me a change to get closer to him, which gave me butterflies of course.
After Phil's tattoo was finished, it was my turn. He had to try once before getting it right.


I'm not even flinching, surprisingly. I must be so warm and tingly that I cant even react, so I just stay still.
"This video is gonna have a lot of very stange screenshots.." I say, making Phil giggle, his tongue trying to poke out.

I wish he would except himself.

"I can't feel your heartbeat." He turns to me when he says that.
His blue orbs lock with mine for a second before he turns to the camera again. I keep my gaze on him, admiring his features.

Perfect eyes, perfect cheekbones, perfect hair, piercings, soft looking pink lips.. I'm just so in love with Phil Lester.

Next, was the temporary hair dye.
Phil got blue whilst I got red.
"Spray into eyes. No avoid spraying into eyes," Phil reads off the container.
"..Why am I letting you do this?" I ask.
I cover my eyes as Phil's sprays the red dye into my fringe.

Phil does the same while I spray the blue dye into his dark hair.
The dye didn't turn out too good so we had to use something else to rub in his fringe to make the blue stand out.
Finally, was the eyeliner.
We both drew around our eyelids with the pencil and realized we were finished.
"Punk Edits complete!" Announces Phil.
I laugh and give a thumbs up, being glad this was over.
I look over at Phil.

Jesus fuck, he looked hot!

I was getting turned on, wanting nothing more at that moment than to grab his neck and pull him into a kiss, pushing him on the bed under me so I could straddle his hips while slipping my tongue into his mouth while slowly taking off his shirt.

Whoa, whoa Dan. Slow down..I sound like a fangirl

"Today's draw Phil naked is.." I say, as Phil finished up the video.


Thank God, we were done filming. I needed to leave before I got turned on any more.
I got up from the bed and began to walk towards the door.
"Hey, uh Dan?" Calls Phil.
I stop at the door, not looking back.
"Yeah?" I reply.

I hear Phil take a deep breath before I heard footsteps. Phil spins me around by my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

Those blue eyes sparkled with something I haven't seen before.

His hands trailed down my arms until both hands were pressing againest my palms lightly.
My hormones were going full speed.
Phil pushed me til I hit a random wall behind me.
"I was gonna ask you..do you uh, like me?...you've been acting weird lately and uh I thought that you could- b-because...."
I loved how Phil was trying to be dominant, but was nervous.
There was silence before I ended it.

This was it. I had to do it.

I grab Phil's face and press my lips to his hungrily. The piercings were still connected to my lips which made it a bit strange feeling, but nothing could ruin this moment.

His hands were around my hips gently. His teeth grazed my bottom lip gently and I tried very hard not to moan.
"Don't hold them in Dan. Let them out, they're sexy," said Phil huskily.
I moan in his mouth as I peck his lips a few times, tasting the metal rings that Phil got off EBay (gross).

We pull apart moments later.
"You're so fucking hot," I breathe, staring at him with a lustful gaze.
Phil bit his lip before finding the sweet spot on my neck and sucking it, not even caring about the wet tattoo on it.
"Uhhh," I moan a bit too loudly.
This is what I've wanted for so long.
When Phil is finished, I wrap my arms around his neck while his remain on my waist.
"To answer your question Phil, yes. I do like you. I actually l-love you. A lot."
"Aww," was all Phil could say.
We hug tight.

"Have I ever told you the punk look suits you?"


I hope you enjoyed this.

I honestly loved everything about this video, what about you?¿

*hands you free food and youtube*

For all of you actually reading these rubbish oneshots, tysm

I love you all!

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