65.0: Wrong Numbers & Past Trauma

Start from the beginning

"Call me later, we'll talk more."

"I will, bye." Crystal hung up and walked back over to Rossi, he looked over at her. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, my brother just pocket called me." Crystal answered and smiled as Hotch walked over to her with two mugs, he handed her a cup of tea as he sipped his coffee. Reid and Prentiss had went to the coroner and called to fill the team in over the phone. 

"She wasn't revived and this could set the unsub off again, looks like the unsub's sick as well. His blood's being tested right now to determine what he's exactly sick with."

Hotch nodded at Reid's words, he turned to look at the team. "We're ready to give the profile."


"The unsub, or unknown subject, we're looking for is a white male in his mid to late 20's. He dumped Nick Skirvin's body in Banter Lake and then was compelled to circle back to Ridge Canyon, we believe that he's a local to the area." Hotch stated to the officers, they were standing outside the station.

Rossi looked at the officers, "The unsub's a sadist with a God complex, he gets off by killing his victims over and over again but it's vital that he's able to bring them back from the dead."

Crystal fixed her glasses, "When he doesn't bring them back, he shows immense rage towards his victims since the reresection of his victims gives him that power that he seeks in his everyday life but most likely doesn't have."

Morgan nodded, "He went from chocking and carrying fit men to their watery graves, to drowning and dumping smaller victims unceremoniously. Diatom levels indicate that he has now stopped moving his victims altogether."

One officer frowned, "Diatom levels?"

"Diatoms are algae in water that help us pinpoint time and location of drowning." Crystal answered and the officer nodded, JJ smiled at Crystal before turning to look at the officers. "Because of this change in behavior, we believe he's most likely been injured or sick."

"He's experienced in CPR, we need to look at doctors, lifeguards, anyone with training in resuscitation." Hotch stated and Rossi motioned to the lake, "You should put younger cops on the lakes undercover, see if they can lure him out. The smaller, less imposing ones you can find, the better."

The Sheriff shrugged, "We could grab a couple guys from the Academy." Hotch gave a nod, "Perfect, but move quickly. He's accelerated his attack schedule, he won't wait long to strike again."

The officers nodded before leaving, Crystal turned to look at Hotch. "Want me undercover?" Hotch gave her a look as he moved her hair from her face, "And have you jump in? Not a chance Archer." 

The team walked back into the station, Reid and Prentiss arrived back the station not long after. Rossi was in another room looking at his phone sadly and Emily frowned before walking over and into the room, Crystal watched this and looked back at the board.

"Is everything okay?" Crystal turned to look at Hotch, "I'm hoping they get better." Hotch hummed as he gently knocked their heads together, Crystal laughed at this. "What was that for?"

"Because you said I was to weak to carry you yesterday."

"I didn't say that."

"It was very much implied that way, and you looked like you needed a reason to smile." Hotch shrugged and Crystal smiled at him, "Grow up."

"I think I'm good." Hotch looked at her amused and Crystal playfully rolled her eyes at him, Reid and Morgan watched this happened and shared a look.

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