Chapter 63 - Solid dick

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"I fucking said it! What did I say!? I said, 'He's going to leave.' Did she listen!? No!" I rant, pacing back and forth around the living room while Harry sits on the couch watching me.

"Mhm." He nods, mindlessly.

"Why aren't you yelling like me!?" I shout and his eyes widen.

"Emma, just calm down a bit." My mom walks in, setting down the tea she made for Harry and sitting down next to him.

"No! I will not calm down!" I shout and she gives me a look. "Ok, fine I'll calm down a little bit." I give in, sitting down on the couch.

"Thank you, now let's be nice. She's probably going through a ruff time right now." She says.

Suddenly Natalie walks in, completely dressed up with a big smile, looking like she just won the lottery.

Mhm. Ruff time.

"Natalie?" My mom says, surprised.

"I'm going out." She says and we all just stare at her with wide eyes.

"You do know your baby daddy just ditched you and your daughter right?" I ask her, assuming she hit her head and forgot.

"Yeah." She replies. "Jessie's watching Ellie. So, I'll see you later."

"You're not going anywhere. We're having dinner." My mom says and Natalie groans.

"I want to go out, mom." She whines.

"I don't care. I have some things to talk about." She says and Natalie huffs, sitting on the couch.

"I'm so confused." I say. "Why aren't you sobbing?"

"Why would I be sobbing?" Natalie asks, nonchalant like she didn't just call me an hour ago crying, causing me and Harry to have to drive all the way here to scold her.

And comfort her, I guess.

"Because- alright she had to hit her head, right?" I ask, turning over to Harry and my mom.

"Emma, I'm fine." She replies and I narrow my eyes at her.


"Because, I knew he was leaving." She shrugs like it was obvious.

"Then- why- Oh my god, what is happening." I shake my head, rubbing my temples.

"I knew he was leaving, I just was using him for the little bit of money he contributed. He could never support me and Ellie for long and I know I'm more than capable enough to be a single mother." She replies simply and I just stare at her in shock.

"Then why did you call me sobbing?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because I stubbed my toe. Hurt like a bitch."

"And why did you shut me out when I told you he was going to leave?"

"Because I needed to keep up the act. Plus, I thought you'd want me out of your hair so you can fuck Harry." She says making my eyes widen while Harry chokes on his tea.

"What?" I say. "We're not fucking."

Her and my mother both give me a 'really bitch' look.

"We're not." I reply, crossing my arms and slumping in my seat.

"Okay then, I'm going to start on dinner." My mom says, standing up and walking out of the room.

"Me and Harry are going to go to my room." I reply, giving Natalie a tight lipped smile before dragging Harry up the stairs and to my old bedroom.

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