09 | in control

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Sebastian Shaw felt like a failure. And he never felt like a failure.

The plan was to infiltrate the facilty, kill the puny humans, then walk out of there with new recruits and a curly haired child.

He'd gotten one person, and she was already getting on his nerves. He was mad at every single one of them. At Azazel for dropping Leena when the blonde boy shot his rings of energy at them. Mad at Riptide for doing absolutely nothing. Mad at Emma, for getting herself captured. They had disappointed him, even he was disappointed in himself.

So caught up in the exhilaration of killing thse guards, absorbing the energy of their useless guns, he had become sloppy, and the new mutants had slipped through his fingers.

Shaw righted himself and tugged on his large overcoat, pulling up the collar. This Russian cold was biting, and Shaw watched the Soviet diplomat oversee the troops and battalions walking out in the courtyard. Since Emma had failed him, Shaw had to come all the way from America to Russia itself in hopes of salvaging his plan.

The glass door opened and the foolish old man stepped into the atrium, nodding in greeting to Shaw. He shook his hand, and they turned into the war room. The Soviet put his hand on Shaw's back, and he kept himself from shrugging it off. He needed this man in his good graces.

Shaw cleared his throat and spoke in Russian. "Once again, my sympathies for your treatment at the hands of the CIA." They walked in front of the large circular table laden with glasses, and stood in front of the wall sized map that displayed their world. Tiny magnets that looked like missiles were stationed over in Russia.

"These Americans are ruthless." Shaw continued, stepping up onto the raised platform. "Now they have missiles placed in Turkey. I expect you'll be planning new missile sights of your own." he took up the large pointing stick and positioned it over Turkey. "Somewhere you know the American early-warning system won't help."

The diplomat rubbed his hands together, his face skeptical. Shaw didn't understand these people. They learnt of nothing but war, yet when the time came to act, they scattered like scared little mice.

Shaw took a small magnet and walked over to the American side of the map. "I hear Cuba is lovely this time of year." he placed the magnet over the tiny country. "And so close to Florida."

The diplomat looked at him like he was crazy. "Missiles in Cuba? You're serious?" the man began to laugh, and his giggles made Shaw want to break something. "We may as well declare war." The Soviet walked up and took the missile off the map.

Shaw sighed. These humans were so much work. They never listened to what he had to say. Selfish and prude, always thinking they were right. The world wasn't big enough for both humans and mutants, and it was always a game of predator and prey.

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