"You made some extra?" P'pha looked at me when he saw the covered plates.

"Hm. I thought you might not have eaten so we made some for you when we cooked dinner." I nodded.

He smiled warmly and ruffled my hair.

The next day, the doorbell run just as we finished eating breakfast.

"Who could that be?" P'pha frowned.

He got up and went to open the door.

Lea started barking and Luna started hissing the moment they saw who it was.

"Daddy look! That cat was the one who ruined my face! And that dog had attacked me as well!" Pring yelled.

She had claw marks across her face.

She clung onto the arm of the man who was standing next to her.

He looked like he was in his early 50s. And from the looks of it, he's her father.

"How can i help you?" P'pha asked them.

I took Luna and lifted her up.

"Sit." I patted Lea's head.

She was still growling at Pring but she sat down obediently.

"Your pets harmed my daughter." Pring's dad spoke up.

"And did she tell you why they harmed her?" P'pha asked.

"She just came to have a talk with you. And you made these animals attack her? I didn't know you were so low Phana Kongthanin." Her father growled.

I gritted my teeth.

"Low? She broke into my house while i wasn't home and I'm the one who's low?" P'pha hissed.

Her father was taken aback and looked at her.

"N-no! I didn't break in! He opened the door!" She pointed at me.

"I never opened the door. You called someone to open it for you from outside and barged in even after i told you to leave." I said.

Her father gritted his teeth. He was turning red from embarrassment.

"You have anything more you want to say?" P'pha looked at him.

"H-he's lying! I didn't barge in!" Pring yelled.

"Yeah. Go tell that to someone who'll actually fall for that." P'pha turned to her.

"We're leaving." Her father dragged her away before she could say anything more.

P'pha closed the door.

"It's not going to end that easily is it?" I asked.

"No it's not. He spoils her rotten. She'll probably get a few scoldings and try to do something like that again." He sighed.

I frowned.

She really doesn't know when to give up....

"You don't need to worry about it. I'll take care of her." He ruffled my hair.

I hummed.

"For now we need to change the lock and add some cameras and other security measures around the house." He muttered looking around.

I nodded.

Just then my phone rang.

I went to the dining table and took it.

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