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                The first five or ten minutes or so in the restaurant were silent. Samson had gotten a table in the back corner, hidden from everyone else. He seemed to be feeling just as uncomfortable as me. I couldn't get the fact out of my head—this guy had impregnated me.

I felt myself laugh out loud a little and glanced up to see Samson staring at me.

"Sorry," I apologized swiftly as the waiter came over.
"Drinks?" He questioned bluntly.

"Can we get a house white for the table?" Samson stated automatically, and I felt myself blush.
"I cant...err, drink wine," I managed to mumble almost incoherently.

"Oh, god. Sorry...err, in that case I'll have a beer," Samson corrected himself before glancing back over at me. "and something...stronger. As well. Please."

"Diet coke...oh sugar, no...caffeine. Err...sparkling water," I finalized, noticing the waiter scoff as he wandered off. I returned my eyes to Samson, who was rubbing his hand down over his perfectly angled jaw.

"Ellie said something..." Samson began, and I winced a little.

"She said that you were going to get an abortion."

Was it possible for him to be any more blunt?

The word hit home, and I felt very sick, very fast, which was kinda surprising, and a little worrying.

"Mhm," I managed to mumble in reply.

"We shouldn't really be talking about this here. I'm sorry, it's just...I've never gotten someone pregnant before, I don't know how I'm supposed to handle this," Samson laughed nervously as our drinks were set down. We ordered quickly, and I stuck with fries. I didn't want to vomit on the guy when he was already in the midst of the worst day of his life.

"It's okay, honestly, I thought you'd have kicked me to the curb by now. It's a surprise that you're actually talking to me," I laughed a little, he was making me way too nervous. The way he stared at me was just far too personal and pained for my liking.

"This isn't really something you can kick to the curb," he added, his voice serious.

And he was right—this wasn't really something that was easily ignored.

"No, I guess it isn't," I let out a sigh and there was a few minutes of awkward silence.

"I never thought that I'd be asking this but, how pregnant are you, exactly?" He laughed as if anxious.

"I don't know, roughly 7 weeks I guess. I didn't go to the doctors or anything. I didn't think it would be appropriate if I was guna..." I couldn't finish that sentence, the words caught in my throat.

"Maybe we should," Samson added suddenly, his voice causing me to jump in mid thought.

"Maybe we should what?" I really hoped he wasn't suggesting sex, because that would be highly inappropriate.

"Go to the doctors...."

Okay, surely it isn't just me that would find this highly strange.

The 23 year old, internationally known, most attractive man on earth—not to mention one of the biggest whores I'd ever met in my lifetime, was being decent about this.

"Excuse me?" I frowned.

"I mean, I don't know what we're going to do but my mom would kill me with her bare hands if she thought I was being an arse about this. And it sounds crazy but I'm pretty sure if I'm the cocky bastard I usually am to you, she'll know it." In a strange way that was kinda sweet. I guess.

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