"Why'd you have his wand?" I turned to the other side of the bed to face her.

"Oh, I saw him trying to prank some first year Slytherins when I got out of Blaise's dorm room." She was now brushing her blonde hair. It reminded me a lot of Draco's, but hers was more yellow in color. "Merlin knows where Theodore was last night, me and Blaise had the room to ourselves." Danielle chuckled, going to her vanity and spraying some chocolate scented perfume, the one she had been wearing ever since she entered Hogwarts.

I replied with a small smile, not being able to collect my thoughts. "So," She sat on my bed. "What happened to my baby? What did Diggory do this time?" She cooed.

"Disgusting, Dani." I ran my fingers through my hair, mentally stressing about how i'm going to tell her everything. "Maybe if you hadn't left too soon with your boyfriend last night, you would know." I gaped at the window on the side of the room.

"I- okay first of all i'm sorry," She stuttered. "Second, he's not my boyfriend yet, and third, what do you mean?"

I sighed in response. "Look i'm sorry Clemy, who else knows about whatever this is?"

"Everyone," I answered emotionlessly. "Probably even Flitwick who hasn't a clue on anything saw what happened."

"We were in his room the whole night- I- tell me what happened, come on," She brushed some strands of my hair off my face. "Diggory right?"

"He cheated on me." I finally looked at her. "In front of me, in front of the whole damn school." I was holding back the tears that were building up while she sat there in shock.

Thinking of it was like skinning my heart layer by layer with a sharp knife, but saying it loud felt like stabbing myself with it in a quick, surprising movement.

It would seem harmless, saying it—because they're just words. But once you've done it, once you've heard yourself put the cause of your pain into words, it's as good as a knife in the heart.

"I'm sorry- Oh God i'm gonna kill him." She looked around in disbelief. After taking a breath, she calmed down and looked back at me. "You can cry, Clemy."

She scooted closer to me and pulled me to her chest. As soon as she did so, the tears started to flow out uncontrollably. "Let it all out," She caressed my hair softly. "He's not gonna get away with this, I promise."

The next hour was spent with me releasing everything while she was holding me, and I told her every single detail about what happened with

Excluding the incident that happened after it. Now isn't the time, I thought.


"And then- And then he fucking slipped," Danielle wheezed. She was now telling a story about her experience with Blaise when he asked her to the ball. Let's just say Blaise got too excited when he heard her answer.

We thought it would be great to head to the three broomsticks to get some breakfast and butterbeer since there wasn't anything to do today.

"So about killing Diggory," Danielle started after taking a sip of her butterbeer. "I have an idea."

"Should we really-"

"He fucking cheated on you." She slammed her hand on the table, emitting quite an alarming noise. "Seriously? You think we shouldn't get back at him?" She lectured. "I'm disappointed Clemy, that's not you."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my face in exasperation. There were plenty of things on my mind, and one specific thought is kept me from planning what I want to do with Cedric.

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