2.48 RSvBB - Tag Team and 3v3

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While the arena changed, Flora, Eddie, and Mia ate caramelized strawberries. They needed the sweetness after the sour loss. Now, a 25x25m big boxing ring rose in the middle.

For the Riverstones, Hub and Robby entered the ring. The Brooklyn Bowlers sent a red and gold batticle and a drone driver. The batticle was at least three meters high and moved on three mechanical legs. On its shoulders rested thick rail guns and pincers protruded from its hips. "Long3rd Leg" stood above it.

"I don't get the name. All three legs of his batticle have the same length." Flora said.

Eddie coughed. "The third leg of the player, love. He claims that his dong prong hongs long."

Flora was enlightened, even though she didn't believe it. Anybody with the name of Mostexcellent Toasterwizard surely had no clue about toasters. The toasters had to speak for themselves! Anyway, she was the most excellent toaster wizard, so any other person named in this fashion had to be a liar. Now, Flora had the urge to beat up that hypothetical person. Video Games promoted violence! Only a bit over a week in VR, and she wanted to behave like a brute!

The four players bowed to each other, then Robby and the drone guy, Dude TheDude, walked behind the ropes. Hub, in his shiny paladin armor, and Long3rd remained in the ring.

"The second event is a tag team match. Two players fight inside the ring. If one of the combatants doesn't want to fight anymore, they can tag their teammate by touching them. Then they have 5 seconds to attack together. Afterward, the player gets ported outside the ring." Mia explained.

Like every fighting obsessed boy, Robby had his WWE phase, so Flora was familiar with the concept and the proper behavior for the audience. "Smash those heels, son!" Flora jumped up, splashing Eddie and Mia with water.

Because Hub and Long3rd started the fight, Flora calmed down. "Prepare to clap! In this bedroom, cheering for my sweetie is obligatory!" She ordered her companions. "Even if you have to support Hub!" Oh, the sacrifices she took for her son!

Under bombardment, Hub ran towards the massive machine. Compared to the red-golden batticle, Hub looked small but shiny. Flora recognized the glow of Divine Radiance and the glimmer of Retaliation. The bullets rebounded from his armor and shield.

The batticle stopped pelting the paladin as soon as it noticed that its own fire hit it. Instead, it accelerated towards the opponent.

Hub charged as well. With an ear-splitting bang, the large tin can and the small tin can collided. Hub bounced off, but despite the thing called physics, the batticle took a step back as well.

Mia shook her head. Flora interpreted that reaction that the move was as silly as it looked.

The opponents traded blows, and to Flora's astonishment, Hub seemed to be winning. He lost only a quarter of his hit points, while the batticle lost half.

"Is the HP bar from Long3rd or the batticle?" Flora asked.

"Only the batticle. I configured the display that the driver's bar is only visible when the vehicle is kaputt."

The batticle ran towards the ropes where the drone driver waited. Because it used Nitro, greenish jets propelled it forward.

Although Hub risked damage from the fire, he attacked the hamstring of the machine. Close to the ropes, he veered off and raced to Robby. The two combatants tagged their teammates simultaneously.

As Robby vaulted over the ropes, Flora jumped up again. "Get him, son!"

"Go for it, honey plum!" Eddie followed suit.

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