Saturdays had to be one of my favourite days. I don't do anything, don't have to work or go anywhere I do not want to. Normally I spend the day in front of the tv, binge watching shows I've missed during the week but not this saturday.
This Saturday, I was determined to go out.
Okay, okay that was a lie.
My best friend is making me go out, something about me turning into an actual couch potato soon. It was just eight thirty and I'm in the mood for some ice cream. For this outing, we were heading to The Den. The most exclusive BDSM club in the state. There's a waiting period and sometimes, even an interview. I have never been in there but I have heard good things about it so at least it's something to look towards. It's worth me getting up from bed.
For the night I had pulled on body fitting tight black leather pants, black boots and a red shirt that stopped right above my belly button. My white hair was style off my face. I debated putting on eyeliner but I didn't want to over do it.
I had spent almost an hour and a half in the bathroom, shaving my legs, deep cleansing myself in case something happens, if you know what I mean and just... getting ready. It's been a while since I played with anyone and I might get lucky today.
I rushed towards the bed when my phone went off. I tapped the green button and pressed the phone against my ear.
"I'm outside, Alexei. You have five minutes or I'll come up to drag you out." My best friend, Luke said, the threat very clear.
"I'm ready, l'll be out in a minute."
"Wait... really?" Luke asked, the shock clear in his voice. He thought he was actually going to have to drag me out and to be honest, when we first talked about going out the saturday, I had half the mind to hide my keep and pull the duvet over my head. But once Luke let it slip we were going to The Den, I suddenly wanted to go.
I grabbed my black over coat, stuffing my keys and wallet into the pocket. I hummed as I rushed down the stairs, thankful I was living on the second floor. Luke was waiting, leaning against the car and scrolling through his phone. As I walked towards him, he raised his head up and letting out a loud squeal when he sees me.
"Shit! You look yummy." Luke said, grinning widely at me. "Turn around, let me see you." Luke said and I do a slow spin, showing off my angles. I was only ever this bold when I was my friend, Luke. He was the out going one, the social one.
"You look amazing too!" I said to him, reaching for his hands and holding them out a bit. Luke was in leather too. Leather shorts that stopped a bit above his knees, showing off his long legs and a tight sheer shirt, showing off his pierced nipples. Luke's curly red hair looked extra curly today, green eyes twinkling.
On the way to The Den, we sang along with the music playing on the radio, the two of us smiling like loons. When we finally parked the car and got out, we could see the long line from the entrance of the club and I was suddenly nervous we would never get in.
"Are you sure we're going to get in?"
"Yeah. I've been sort of planning this for months now. I'm an official member of the club now." Luke said, lifting his phone to show me a picture of what looked like a gold card on his phone. We walked over to the two huge men guarding the door, past all the people who were on the line. I wondered if they knew what type of club it they were trying to get into.
Luke shows them the gold card and suddenly we were in. Right by the door were glow in the dark bands. Luke picked one green band which said Play (sub) while I picked one red band that just had No on it. There were other bands in it as well. I might change my mind later on but for now, I just wanted to have fun.
Past the corridor where the bands were kept was a huge dance floor, a bar to the side and there was even a second floor. Shit. The place was huge. The stobe lights flashing different colours, the music loud and there was a huge stage that was lifted up, raised above the dance floor.
There were people dancing, coloured bands on their hands showing play, maybe or just plain No, like mine. There were differently dressed people, some subs naked and grinding against their doms, others seated with the chairs that lined the walls. Some people were leaning against the balcony up and were staring down. We handed over our coats to the guy manning there, smiling kindly at himm.
The entire place smelled so good, the stylishly decorated wall and the bar. The bar was just gorgeous. Black marble tops, black glass case where the drinks were displayed. There were two subs manning there, dressed in black tight gowns, their hair styled in a pony tail.
I got a gin and tonic, heavy on the gin whole Luke got whiskey on the rocks. One drink, turns into two and two into three. I pushed through the crowd, Luke right in front of me as we danced. I moved in time with the music, my hands going down my body as I danced. I got so into it that I don't notice the stares until Luke moved closer.
"Alex, bunny, you've got admirers."
I looked away from my friend and slyly looked around. I only found two, three people staring but that was okay.
"Not them. The fine hunk of man up there." Luke said, stylishly jabbing his thumb to the balcony up there. It was dark and the lights didn't get to that side of the space yet. I could only make out the suit and dark hair, nothing more. I wondered what he looked like.
I looked away just as the light flashed in that direction but when I looked up again, the man was gone. Two more drinks and a lot of dancing later, Luke and I decided to leave. It was almost two am and my legs were turning into Jelly.
"What do you think is upstairs?" Luke asked once we were back into the car.
"Playrooms, maybe?"
Luke hummed in response. "Did you see the fine man checking you out?"
I shook my head at him. Was the man really that good looking? I wished I had at least seen the man's face, maybe he'd have been the reason I'd have swapped my no band for a play one. When we get to my flat, I invited Luke up. It was already late and I didn't want Luke to drive home tired. He was yawning literally every minute. The two of us showered, got dressed in pyjamas and slid into the bed, pulling the duvet over us.
"Do you know what I want?" Luke asked sleepily as I cuddled into him.
"I just want a dom who will give me everything I want. Spanks, kisses and a little ass grab here and there." Luke said with a dreamy sigh. I chuckled at my friends words, he really was the best. One of a kind. The best kind. "What about you?"
"What type of dom do you want?"
This wasn't something I thought about all the time. It's been at least a year since I had been in a serious relationship with a dom and I didn't want to even think about that time of my life. But to answer Luke's question though.
"I just want a dom who cares about me."
Who's ready?!

Kneel (ManxMan) (BDSM) (18+) ✔️
RomanceAlexei Ivey is a shy and sweet twenty five year old who has been working at Armas Marketing for a year. He is a sub who knows what he wants. And what he wants, is a man whom he wholeheartedly wanted to belong to. A relationship. Malakai Armas is s...