way of the sword.

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izuku's POW:

I woke up with girls around me nemuri was on my chest, shino was on my right with tomoko and ryuko was on my left with yuu. O just chuckled remembering the last night. then O used telekinesis to lift them up gently and I left the room. it was around 6 am now and I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast to them. around 7:00 I noticed that they were awake.

nemuri's POW:

I woke up with headache and noticed that I was naked. then I saw the other girls next to me. after a pause I remembered last night and all I can do is to blush. I didn't even tried to move since my legs were sore and I almost felt paralyzed eventually I heard the rest of the girls woke up slowly. all as naked as the day they were born.

yuu: "ugh my legs feel numb."

she then looked at me. after a few seconds the rest woke up. we were starring each other. I assume they remembered the last night because they all blushed.

nemuri: "soo.......anybody remembers last night?"

shino, tomoko and yuu blushed harder. "

ryuko: "cant say I regret. it was my best sex ever."

shino: ".....yeah it was good."

tomoko: "so we all remember."

yuu: "I think we do."

nemuri: "where is he?"

shino: "we should check."

n/r/t/y/s: "......."

an awkward moment I realized that we were all having problem with our lover bodies.

nemuri: "well the last night was fun at least."

shino looked away with a blush. then we heard footsteps to see izuku entering the room.

izuku's POW:

I entered the room to see all of them awake and sitting on the bed.

izuku: "good you girls are awake. I was just done cooking. do you wanna eat right away or do you wanna take a shower first?"

after asking I heard a grumbling coming form their stomachs.

izuku: "yeah breakfast first then."

I turned back to walk but stop realizing that they were not moving.

izuku: "so are you sore for last night?"

yuu: "how are you not?"

izuku: "stamina."

shino: "and when did you woke up?"

izuku: "remember when I told you I don't need much sleeping? I woke up an hour ago. anyways let me give you a lift. but before that, here."

I grab some clothes for them to put on they were all wearing my t shirt and shorts. nemuri and shino were only wearing my shirts.

yuu: "these are sooooo comfy."

shino: "maybe it is because they are what 5 sized bigger?"

tomoko: "I cut the arms and this is basically a mini dress for me. "

I chuckled and used my quirk to lift them all up. we were sitting on the table eating and talking. 

ryuko: "this food is amazing"

shino: "you gotta give me the recipe. kota will love it."

izuku: "sure I have a copy of it so I can give it to you. "

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