I just laughed and opened the window. "Pelle, you have the most extraordinary ways of getting in, don't you?" I asked and my friend let out a small giggle. I helped him into the form as Roxie stood there, seemingly shocked.

Charlie ran in but stopped dead in his tracks when he seen my tall, blonde friend. "I.. uhm.. hello?" He said. I giggled. "Alright, guys, please do not blurt about this to anyone.. this is Pelle. You probably know him as dead. No I do not know how he is still alive, yes he is meant to be.. gone. Please do not ask any more questions." I said.

Pelle looked from me, to Roxie, to Charlie and just nodded. "Well, alright then. Hey!" He said, softly.

End Of Tobias Forge's P.O.V

Roxie could not believe how deep Pelle's voice was. Not only that, Pelle Ohlin was meant to be.. well, dead. But he was standing right in front of her. She done as Tobias said and didn't ask any more questions.

Tobias brought Pelle out of the bathroom, to give Charlie and Roxie some privacy.

Charlie closed the door behind Tobias and Pelle, and stared at Roxie, who had her hands clapped over her mouth in pure shock. He simply opened his arms and she hugged him tightly. "Please tell me you seen the blonde, dead Swedish man too." She said, quietly.

Charlie let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I did." He said. Roxie looked up at him. "How are you.. so calm about this?" She asked. Charlie shrugged. "There has been a lot of conspiracies about his death, so I didn't really buy it that he was dead in the first place." Charlie said.

Roxie shuddered. "He seemed so.. not Pelle though. Is he a ghost? Are we dreaming??" She asked. Charlie ran his hands through her hair. "Highly doubt it.. but whatever you would like to think." He said.

They took another minute before going back out to Tobias and.. Tobias? Pelle was no where to be seen.

"Uh.. where is Pelle?" Roxie asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

Tobias gave a small laugh. "It was time for him to go.. someone was waiting for him outside." He said.

Charlie shrugged and nodded in agreement before heading towards his bedroom. Roxie stayed with Tobias.

"Can I ask a question?" Roxie asked. Tobias nodded. "Yeah, go ahead!" He said. "...Was that really Pelle?" She said, after a small hesitation.

Tobias took a deep breath. "I guess so.. yes. There is not enough time in the world to explain what happened to that man. But, should anyone find out that he was here or should you tell anyone that you trust, he is safe.. and that is all they need to know." He said.

Roxie nodded and thanked him before going to her room to get ready for dinner.

At the new school, there was a massive dining hall where all the students and teachers could sit. Yes, it sounds like The Great Hall from Harry Potter, but it did not have a magical ceiling.

Instead, this place had some open fires around the walls to heat the massive room where everyone was sitting, and the food was brought out by people who Marilyn had apparently employed without anyone's knowledge.

However, like The Great Hall there was a door near the table where all the teachers were sitting, and it opened half way through the meal.

Meredith was the only one to notice.

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