Toothless' secret

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Toothless' pov

i jumped out of Hiccup's bed that sargent gave me a real scare but i blendin so thats good.
i look for the training arena where they have the youngens fight the dogs, there i see 5 cages.
i trot down the cage line to see stormfly in the last cage she was... well i wouldnt say peacefuly sleeping but at least she was resting

"Toothless why do you haveto go?" Stormfly askedbroken hearted "storm its my job i scout the area incase of a threat" i said "why not Hookfang or the labs" she replies "becausevim fast and i blend in" i said "just promise me you'll be safe" she whimpered licking my snout "i cant really make any promises, but i'll try" i replied then ran of.
i run into a bush because theres a lot of commotion going on "Alpha Ali we got him cornered" i hear a wolf say excidly i look to see a boy holding a stick that was lit on fire he was waving it around i think trying to scare them.
"that wont work boy" i mumble

----------end of flashback------------

i looked at herone last time "i will save you all and change your lives nothing will be the same again i promise" i whimpered which seemed to wake her up "Toothless?" she asked "yeah i here but dont worry sooner or later you all will be free this time i promise" i said hanging my head low "dont worry about it Toothless as long as im in your heart and you dont forget me, thats all that matters" she replied i wagged my tail a bit "ok i got to go back bye" i said and trotted back to Hiccup

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