Tearju looking at the sky..

Tearju thought: clouds moving in too fast

Mimi: besides were safe in the sunlight

They heard thunder.

Numemon: 💢 PARTY TIME💢 * throws pink shit *

Riggs grabbs them both as he runs fast.

Riggs: so there nocturnal


Sora: how did they get here?

Riggs: run for it love

Tearju grabs everyone using her transweapon hair & she runs fast like her son.

Tearju: i have to admit. They use vending machines as bait

Riggs: its the whole army

Blonde beauty lets them go & start running along with them

Tai: we need to split up

Tear riggs sora biyomon & dark agumon. Tearju turned her left hand into a beam cannon fired on them

 Tearju turned her left hand into a beam cannon fired on them

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Explosion caused a mushroom cloud.


Sora woke up seeing riggs his mother biyomon & dark agumon. She sat up from his lap.

Sora: what happened?

Biyomon: genius over decided to blew numemon up

Tearju rubbed the back of her head

Tearju: gomensai

Riggs: we hid ourselves in toytown. Yellow giant teddy bear named monzaemon kidnapped our friends brainwashing them & put digimon in a treasure chest



They went to see whi that is Riggs peaked bunch of stickers shoot out monzaemon is defeated Riggs turned around his face is covered in cactus stickers.

Sora passed out tearju caught her.

Riggs: i'll be right back😑 i need your help dark agumon

Tearju looked at biyomon

Biyomon: you & your son are strange


monzeimon apologizes for the whole thing he explained why.

Tai: i'm taking the whole black gear personally

Tearju: black gear?!

Riggs: i been studying this black gear. Someone must have send these things makes digimon to go on a rampage & grew big like the other two.

Tearju: now i understand why my son. Your all here for something besides riggs saving the world many times in his life its like he's ...

Joe: we already figured we thank him enough

Tearju: if that case i'll help. No i will not take over

Sora: so ....

Tearju: just call me tear or tearju. Yes i accepted your relationship i hope it works well in the future

Sora hugged her coursing herself how big her racks are. Yellow teddy bear use red heart looking bubble ballons as a gratitude, they are inside having fun tearju watches from the ground.

Sora & riggs in the same balloon laughing together she embraced him kissed him nuzzling his chest.

Biyomon: easy sora

Dark agumon: thats so sweet

Tearju looking down at her son's digivice

Tearju looking down at her son's digivice

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" whoever you are why choose my boy "

Ooc Tearju has yami mea & nemesis's transweapon powers & soldier training from her husband she too is OP.


digimon: one punch CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now