"So what did he want?" He doesn't look up from his phone but heard me walk in the room. I notice his tussled hair, caused from sleeping. His eyes aren't open all the way and he still looks sleepy but his glasses showcase his chocolate brown irises.

"He asked me to hang out." His eyes widen more and he finally looks away from his phone.

"Really? And what did you say?"

"I said no." A look of shock overcomes his face.

"You said no? Why?" 

"I don't see you often and I want to hang out with you as much as I can." He sighs and puts his phone down, looking at me.

"E, I can't be your only friend."

"You're not my-"

"Yes, I am." I sigh and roll my eyes. "If you have other friends, what are their names?"

I stay silent. I can't reply because there is no response possible. 

"That's what I thought. You could've gone. I would've went with you."

"He said I could change my mind if I wanted."

He smiled. "Well we better get dressed and head over to where ever he planned on hanging out."

I chuckle and give him a hug before we head to my room. I decide to change in my bathroom and Elliott changes in my room.

I put on a pair of leggings and a Rugrats t-shirt. I put on a little bit of makeup to hide the dark circles under my eyes and to make the blue in my eyes pop. I loosely braid my hair and walk out, where Elliott is laying on my bed, playing Minecraft. I walk to my dresser and pick out a yellow beanie.

"Why are you getting so dressed up?" He says this with a bit of amusement in his voice. He's in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, his hair still looking a mess.

"I'm trying to not look like a homeless person." I pick up my hairbrush and toss it to him. "At least brush your hair." He rolls his eyes and takes off his glasses, brushing his hair.

"Better?" He says after brushing his hair. I nod. "Are you ready?" I nod again and we grab our phone and head into the living space.

"I'm gonna call Mom real quick. You can wait in the car if you want." He nods and makes his way outside.

I dial her number and it takes a second for her to pick up.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, sweetie. What's up?" Her voice sounds awful cheerful, like she's smiling.

"Neil invited me to hang out with him and Elliott and I are gonna go over there."

"Okay. Do you know when you'll be back?"

"No idea. But I'll update you if I get a time." I pause before remembering something from earlier. "Mom, did you give Neil our house address?"

"Maybe, maybe not." I could hear her smiling when she said this. Before I could respond, she said, "stay safe and I love you."

"I love you too, Mom." I shake my head as I realized she hung up on me. I grab my keys, going outside. Elliott is standing outside the car, probably playing Minecraft. He notices me and puts his phone up. We get into the car and I hook up my Bluetooth, playing some of our favorite songs. Don't Stop Me Now by Queen comes on and I notice Elliott's smile come back.

"This is my favorite song!" He turns up the radio and starts jamming, causing me to laugh.

"Only because of me." He sticks out his tongue and I shake my head as I pull out the driveway. 

It All Started with a BeanieWhere stories live. Discover now