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it was just another day of

being betrayed by friends and a lover... 

being unwanted by my brother... 

being rejected over and over... 

 some people say i'm an idiot for all of the things happen to my life they tell me over and over again but  i still smile they say that i  seem like a "happy go lucky" person... i mean all i ever do is just laugh and tell jokes making people happy around me. but some of my "acquaintance" ask me why do i do the things i do ...actual i don't know myself... maybe i'm just diverting myself from the things that hurts me or maybe i just want to be happy... ah yes now i know..... i just do this because no one actually wants to listen to my dramatic feelings and emotions.. they want me as this happy person.., always caring and cheerful, no one would accept me for who i am on the inside .. i keep it all to my self.. the fact that even how far or how hard i tried doing my best it always comes out meaning nothing.. even to the person that i cared the most.. i love the most.. giving him all the love and care that i didn't experience in my entire life just because i don't want to him feel the sadness and loneliness that i felt this entire time... he still left me.. and so many sad memories they made with me in my mind.. their are so many that i can't count...)but i just only ask the question he told me "maybe because its the right thing to do"

hello everyone the names sans but you can call me blueberry i mean thats what everyone calls me at least 

"who am i kidding why am i talking to myself again"  said the skeleton

 "oh great now its raining how could this day go any worse then it already is" he said noticing he went to deep into the forest "oh cmon now im lost and its raining to ugh" he said sitting fining a dry place under a tree "might as well sleep here not like my so called friends and brother would even care" blueberry says falling asleep....

i hope you enjoyed this new story i did and dont worry i am still going to update the others i just need ideas for them anyways

bye i hope you have an great morning/afternoon/goodnight bye my children 

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