"One of Rico's private investigators discovered Elena is an illegitimate daughter of Bobby Cardinale's and her real name is Sofia LaMontagne."

What the hell?

"We think Bobby planted her to befriend Charmaine, to get to know her, and to get information on me through her ultimately. We can assume, since Charmaine and I aren't very close, and I leave her out of the family business, that didn't work.

So it seems they decided to go a different route and contracted Furia to get to me, but that may work in our favor." Timo says.

"How exactly?" I question not understanding how Cardinale hiring a lethal assassin to hurt Charmaine or even come after Timo could be a good thing.

"Well, I'm trying to get in contact with an old colleague to be sure, but based on Furia's reputation, he would have completed his mission by now. However, something is off about Furia. And it seems it revolves around Charmaine."

I don't particularly appreciate how that sounds; I clench my jaw at the thought, remembering the video showing how close he was to her, touching her face while leaning into her.

"Why was she allowed to leave on another trip then if she's still in danger?" I ask, my jaw muscles twitching from my annoyance at the situation.

"If she is in danger, it's best to remove her from where they know she's been holed up since Dominic's murder. It also means we are getting attacked by someone other than Giovanni; we assumed it was only him.

But, now we know Cardinale is involved, and Cardinale makes Giovanni look like Santa Clause, John Paul," Timo looks back at me seriously.

"I know you care for Charmaine."

My face warms up slightly, but I try to keep my face neutral as he watches me intently.

"You two have grown close over the years, and I'm grateful she has you to lean on. She told me she didn't think she could get through what happened with Dom if it weren't for you."

My heart warms at hearing her say that, but then I feel the guilt seep in for truly not taking the time to call her or return her texts this last week.

"Anyway, you and Joey tend to be around Charmaine and Annalisa the most, so please be vigilant—keep an eye out for any sightings of Elena, er Sofia, I mean, and let Tony, Tobias, or I know immediately."

Timo turns to Joey. "Alright, that's all. Have fun visiting your family Joey. Any chance they are near Annalisa's family as well, in California?"

Joey gives him a half-shrug. "I doubt it. I didn't ask what part of California they were visiting. My sister lives in Oceanside." He looks at me before looking back at Timo. "I had asked JP to come along with me if you don't have work for him to do, that is?"

Timo glances at my dad before looking back at me. "You can have time off since you were gone during the week for business. When are you two planning on returning? We have the annual benefit gala at the end of next week, so we'll need to plan accordingly for that." I look at Joey, not knowing how long he was planning on being gone.

"We'll be back by Wednesday," Joey informs him.

"Alright then, we'll see you then. Have a safe trip, gentlemen." Timo stands and shakes both of our hands. My dad nods at me, and we walk out of the office.

"Doesn't Annalisa's brother live in San Diego?" I ask Joey as we head back upstairs to our rooms.

Joey shrugs. "Don't know, and don't care where that douche lives. Besides, California is three times bigger than New York. I doubt we'll be anywhere near them.

For the Empire - IngannoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin