Khushi's Engagement

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Gupta mansion

Khushi enters her room and closes the door and breaks down into tears. She is scared, confused, and anxious about her future. She is all blank about what to do next and how to save herself. she is not able to think of any way to escape the situation. She is cursing herself for coming home. 

Khushi- Hey Devimaiya! what should I do now? how can I get married to that guy?  I want to fulfill my dream. I have to do something. What can I do? 

Meanwhile, she hears a knock on the door and hears a call from the Garima.

Garima- Khushi, get ready fast. They are waiting for you. There is no way for you other than getting engaged to the guy. Your father and myself have decided to get you married and you have to get married now. 

Outside Gupta house

Raghav reaches the gupta house and sees the house all decked up with decorations and lot of people around the house. He tries to find out more about the situation and gets to know that it is Khushi's engagement the same day and wedding in 2 days. He collects all the information he could and calls Aman.

Aman- Yes Raghav, could you find the details? 

Raghav- yes, got the preliminary details, Detailed report will take time but with what I found I don't know what to do.

Aman- (Confused)- What did you find?

Raghav- the girl khushi is getting engaged today and married in next two days. It is an alliance fixed by her foster parents. They are not nice people so can't trust their intension behind this proposal as well. 

Aman is now all confused, so asks Raghav to get the detailed report and then only inform ASR.

Inside Gupta house

Garima forces Khushi to come out of the room and forces her to fulfill all the rituals of the engagement. Khushi completes the rituals with tears in her eyes but nevertheless, he is unable to do anything. She curses her fate and keeps on hoping for a miracle. As the rituals are over and she is forced to stand of pictures alongside the groom she notices that the guy looks a bit different. She is confused with his abnormal looks but doesn't have it in her to analyze it. 

As the rituals are done, As she is pronounced as engaged, soon to be married she loses all hope of being saved and sheds silent tears. She promises to never offer prayers to Devi maiya when devi maiya couldn't save her from the atrocities of her foster family. As the rituals come to an end she moves inside her room all disheartened, waiting for the doomsday in another 2 days.

Raizada mansion

Arnav is suddenly all anxious about the findings. He looks at the watch and realizes that it is late at night and he has to wait for a few more hours to be able to talk to Raghav and get information about Khushi. His gut feeling has always been his guiding light, hopefully, t will this time as well. 

What happens next? will Khushi's devimaiya save her? 

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