Chapter Fifty-seven: Oh My God, You're Drunk

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I woke at 3:00am to a loud banging at the front door. I went into the living room, with my eyes barely open. I went down to the door and opened it. I rubbed my eyes so I could see who was standing in front of me. My vision was clear now and I could tell that it was Calum standing in the doorway. His hair was a wreck and he had huge bags under his eyes.

"Calum you better have a good reason that you're hear at three in the morning." I said.

"Oops I meant to go to Michael's. My bad." he giggled.

"Oh my god, you're drunk." I said.

"Yup." he said.

"Come on." I said grabbing his hands and practically carrying him up the stairs, and down the hall towards my room. I sat him on my bed and went and got aspirin, and told him to take it. I sat across from him.

"Now why the fuck are you drunk?" I asked, him still extremely tired.

"Because your devil for a step sister took my heart and smashed it." he said. I felt bad for him, I mean he did like Sarah.

"Calum I'm sorry." I said.

"Yeah me too. Honestly though I'm over her though." he said.

"Good." I said.

"I'll go home now." he said, standing up.

"Oh hell no I'm not letting you drive anywhere, in your state. You can stay here for the night." I said.

"Okay fine. Where am I going to sleep?" he asked me.

"We can go down in the basement. I'm not leaving you alone so my parents can find you in the morning." I said. He nodded and followed me down to the basement. I set up a bed for him on one couch and a bed for me on the other. We both laid down and soon fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning and Calum was still asleep on the opposite couch. I didn't want Sarah to get the wrong idea so I decided to drive Calum home. I shook him a bit to wake him. He groaned a bit, and rolled over.

"Calum come on I'm taking you home." I said. He didn't respond, an the only way to get him up was to practically drag him of the couch. I grabbed his arm and pulled.

"Okay I'm getting up." he said. He stood up and stumbled a bit. I put his arm over my shoulder to help him walk.

"Jesus you're heavy." I said. I finally made it to my car and put Calum in the passenger seat. I started to drive to his house.

"You sure you're okay Cal?" I asked him.

"Yeah I don't know what I was thinking last night. Lately I've just been off but I'll be fine." he said. I wasn't entirely sure if he was fine but I trusted he woud work it all out. I got to his house.

"Thanks Tessa for being a really good friend." he said.

"No problem." I responded. He got out of the car. I didn't leave until I know he had gotten into the house. On my way  home I just hoped that Calum would be okay. I got back home and went back up to my room. I was still tired so I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I just seemed to find myself looking at the ceiling. I called Luke but no answer. I kept thinking of me moving in with him. It was all happening so fast and I was excited. I was a bit nervous to what my dad to the whole idea. As I sat there my phone. It was so Luke so I answered.

"Hey. Sorry I missed your call." he said.

"It's okay I was just bored wanted to see what you were up to." I said.

"Nothing much just laying in bed. Hey listen about the whole moving in thing, you know you don't have to if your not comfortable." he said.

"Luke I really do want to move in with you." I said.

"Okay well then there is this really nice place not to far from your place, that we could look at." he said.

"I'd love to. How about now?" I asked

"Yeah sure give me like an hour and I'll be by to pick you up." he said. I said okay and we hung up. I got up and into the shower. When I got out put on black skinny jeans, a navy blue t-shirt. I waited for Luke to pick me up so I went into the kitchen to get something to eat first. I was somewhat nervous to see the place. I mean what if Luke liked it and I didn't? Would we ever agree on something? all these questions went through my mind but I eventually calmed down, and ate some breakfast.

Luke got to my house eventually and we made our way to the house. It wasn't too big but it was big enough. From the outside it looked wonderful.

"Welp here we are." Luke said. We met a women that showed us around. The kitchen was big with wonderful furniture. The living room was nice and big. We then were showed the two bathrooms and then brought upstairs. There was a guest bedroom, another bathroom. Then finally the main bedroom. It was a perfect size. Me and Luke could both have our own little space. I loved everything about it.

"I'll let you two talk." the women said as she walked out the room.

"So how do you like it?" Luke asked me.

"Honestly it's perfect." I said.

"I'm glad you said that. I love it too." he said.

"Who knew finding somewhere to live would be so easy?" I shrugged.

"So here comes the hard part. We have to tell our parents." Luke said. He was right when he said it was going to be hard to tell my parents. But I wasn't going to change my mind though. I was going have to suck it up and just tell them. I was terrified.


A/N: Hey guys it's all so exciting! So what I'm thinking since I want to have one more thing to happen and I really want fit it all in I'm thinking 60 chapters would be enough. I know it's a lot but I really want the book to end the way I want it to so. Yeah and thank you so much for all they reads  I now have over 20k abd it means soooooo much to me. Luv ya guys!!!!


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