- Sure. I don't mind, "I answered with a smile.

It's been two weeks since that night at the club. When my dreams were finally trampled and destroyed. And everything would be quite good if it did not pop up in my head every now and then, and did not come in my damn dreams. I didn't know how to control dreams, but honestly, I would give any money to learn this.

She called on Saturday night.

At first I couldn't believe my eyes. Then I realized that everything was all right for her. Everything as usual. This is my life turned upside down.

I missed the first call. I just looked at her name on the screen and listened to the standard ringtone. And for the first time, I deliberately didn't answer.

But Minji dialed a second time, which surprised me a lot. Before that, if I missed a call for some reason, she never called back. Always me. Then I thought, maybe something happened to her? Out of my mind, for example.

Taking in more air in my lungs, I exhaled slowly, and took the call.

- Hello?

"Hi," a familiar voice. As always with a steel note, firm and confident.

- Hello.

- Listen, I need your help.

- Indeed? - I fingered the cord from the charger with my fingers.

- Yes. My car broke down, and ... In general, I forgot my money at home, I can't even call a tow truck.

- And how can I help?

- Take me!

- Okay. Where are you? - I do not know why I agree. There is a taxi. You can get home, ask to wait, go for money and pay. Why does she need me? But these thoughts come only later, after I agree. Fool.

- I'll throw off the address.

I arrive at a parking lot not far from the city hospital. What the hell is she doing here at a time like this?

She gets into the car, nods in greeting, and doesn't even look at me. It doesn't matter. I don't play these games anymore. I'm tired of it.

- By the way, the taxi service is very popular with us, do you know? - I say calmly, without taking my eyes off the road.

"I told you I forgot my money at home.

- You can ask them to wait and go for money. We are all humans.

"I... didn't think about it. Usually I pay for the trip right away. she says sincerely, I understand that she is not lying. I really didn't think. Strange, she doesn't have any friends to pick her up? However, this is not my business.

- What were you doing in the hospital? - I ask simply, out of banal curiosity. In order not to be silent all the way.

"None of your business" Okay, not mine, so not mine.

I'm not trying to start a conversation anymore, I'm just taking her to a familiar address. I don't even look in her direction. She seems to notice it because I can feel her glances at me from time to time. What, surprised I don't stare like usual?

I enter the gate, stop at her entrance. I always leave my car here for the few hours that I spend with her. But today I won't.

She opens the door and puts one foot on the asphalt. Minji turns to me and looks blankly:

- Are you still going to sit here?

- Yes, - I answer calmly.

- Let's go, I still want to sleep.

- Especially. Good night.

- Wait, - Minji slightly closes the door, turning even more to me, - are you serious now? Are you adding value to yourself or what? What is the problem? - I see that she doesn't like this conversation or the situation itself.

- No. I just don't want to. There is no problem - I do not like everything that is happening, because I know that I will not emerge victorious here.

- Why then did you come?

- You needed help, I helped. That's all - I want to leave. I don't want to sit and explain. I don't want to look like some damn victim or an offended woman. Because it isn't. It's hard to be a victim when it's all your fault.

- You decided to do that, so that I feel like the last bitch or what? - Raises an eyebrow and tilts her head. - Baby, let's finish this stupid conversation, you will stop pretending to be a sissy and pushing for pity. And just come to me, okay?

I look at her and really don't understand what I found in her? In this girl, that doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself.

- Minji, go home, - I say as I exhale and turn away from her. It's like letting go. There is no point in trying to hold on to what you never owned.

Minji doesn't answer, sits in silence for a few seconds. Then she opens the door wider again and walks out. She slaps her so that I know for sure that I have pissed her off. There are probably many more numbers in your notebook. And I hope you delete mine after today.

I come to my place and feel completely empty. But I know it's better this way. How much longer would this disagreement kill me? Year? Two? Until I get old or she gets tired of fucking? Not the best foundation for family life. Although what I mean. What family life. Sex day after three - that's the whole schedule. So-so perspective, to be honest.

Strangers with Benefits (Minji and Yoohyeon)-JiyooHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin